上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 喝茶品茶联系方式,桑拿夜网 In Chen Yi’s impression, Han Jie’s Chinese performance has always been excellent, and he didn’t think much about being the first to turn to Han Jie after the scroll was played.

In Chen Yi’s impression, Han Jie’s Chinese performance has always been excellent, and he didn’t think much about being the first to turn to Han Jie after the scroll was played.

At this moment, most people have entered the thinking process, but Chen Yi heard the word "How is he?"
Strange analysis method Chen Yi thought and listened carefully.
Han Jie’s thoughts were really messed up for a while for about two or three minutes before turning to Wen’s thinking.
Chen Yi waited patiently for a moment and then turned to his classmates after receiving two or three words.
Listening at the same time absorbs the achievements of his classmates, and Chen Yi is also thinking about it himself.
The examiner is extremely worried about watching him turn around from time to time for fear that he will fall asleep while thinking.
However, this hour is the most normal one for Chen Yi in two days. He finished the department for 6 minutes and filled every corner of the test paper …
It was Chen Yi’s listening skills in the exam that heard the middle voice of the classmate in the right front.
Obviously, it’s another guy who buys answers, but he doesn’t know whether Luo Xiaoshan is a high-end customer or a street shop.
Chen Yi didn’t rest assured to scan his article again.
The bell will ring soon, and it also represents the smooth end of Chinese in the morning.
Chen Yi Han Jie walked out of the classroom side by side and smiled at one another.
Chen Yi was moved outside the campus during his sleep.
The first thing he did when he sat in the examination room was to go back to sleep.
Because the two exams are too short, it is obviously not enough to rush into the energy recovery potion to restore the level 3 scroll, which can not completely solve the problem-fatigue will reduce the scroll effect, which Chen Yi can not allow.
The best choice is to sleep until you are full, even if you don’t hesitate to wait for an hour and a half to answer the questions.
The invigilator in the math field has changed. The new examiner is thin and has a wide face like a rich plastic hippocampus.
He smiled and nodded in the classroom to explain the precautions to everyone.
However, an hour and two minutes later, his fingers also curled up.
Being an invigilator for many years, it’s not surprising that candidates sleep. He has seen chatting, sleeping, sleepy, passive sleeping, waiting for answers, sleeping, heatstroke, fainting, taking the wrong medicine, and half-sleeping-but he has never seen a student set an alarm clock to sleep in the examination room and even wash his face and gargle after waking up, and then actively answer the questions …
Yu …
Teacher’s anger is like a seahorse trying to shoot its tail.
The students in the classroom are even more stunned and at a loss.
Chen Yi didn’t look at anyone and ignored them. He took a deep breath, grabbed a pen and followed the first question.
When he was playing with the water bottle, he tore up a three-level intellectual scroll, which was just right for dealing with math problems
Sasha Vujacic writes about the silent classroom so clearly.
Everyone suddenly realized that they had re-taken the exam.
The remaining three examiners stare at each other and don’t know what to think.
Before the end of the exam, Jiangning’s reputation as a sleeping god has been out of the campus and around the area …
Jiangning forum is even more conspicuous with the red title "Sleeping God was born in the college entrance examination. It is said that it was once the champion of the mock exam!"
The last sentence is obviously designed to attract attention.
However, Chen Yi didn’t mind that these things arrived at the door of Tao’s teacher as soon as the math exam was over. He carefully thought about the problem of home and headphones when he had a few minutes left in the exam.
Tao left the examination room alone.
Chen Yi didn’t look at him, but carefully observed the two people he knew in the record of others in the examination room, and then he started to leave.
Parents are impatient in the car, others are generally second outside.
"There must be a score of 145 in math," Chen Yi added. "I have something to do at my uncle’s house."
I just fell asleep.
Chapter 46 Design
Uncle Chen Yi, Chen Guoliang, is not confused in his late years. The political commissar of Jiangning Military Region is not high, but he has passed the time when he needed protection. It is precisely because of Chen Guoliang that Chen Jiacai can continue to go around, or because of this that his grandfather Chen Zhongguo will quietly retire.
Chen Congyu didn’t know what he wanted to do, but he called his eldest brother and then looked at Chen Yi and slept as if he were dizzy.
Lincoln swam around like a pot of eel in the crowded lane for nearly an hour before the driver stopped.
It’s getting dark outside. Fang Manyi gently shook her son and said, "What don’t you want to talk about when your uncle’s home arrives?"
Chen Yixian picked up the hand bottle and took a long drink to reply to the potion. "Someone cheated in the examination room."
"Huh?" Both of them did not move.
"Fu Han’s nephew Tao may also have cheated a little. The earphone may be a military earphone." Chen Yi drew a line. "I guess it may be an inside job. The military earphone has a lot of disadvantages."
He didn’t pour everything out at once.
Although the language is vague, Chen Congyu and Fang Man are both secretly surprised by this matter, but there is no need to worry about it. But if Fu Han has it, it is not a coup. Because of their special status, they can’t help but disagree. "How do you know?"
"This time, it’s almost a leak. When I saw my uncle, I said together," Chen Yi raced against time and drove away.
Chen Guoliang personally greeted a family of three at the door, especially to Chen Yi. "I heard that you did well in the exam. Are you confident?"
"Not surprisingly, Jiangning University is not a problem. If you are lucky, you can choose a major." Chen Yi casually said that after taking the door, he repeated his words again. "I have a friend who got a pair of headphones the size of a grain of rice and can broadcast for several kilometers. It is definitely a high-tech technology, not a civilian technology."
"Oh … do you know who gave it to him?" Guo-liang Chen had a smile on his face, but he caught the earphone the size of a grain of rice. He had seen it and only seen it. His local army didn’t need such sophisticated intelligence equipment yet, but he also said that the current incident was real. The military did.
When talking about politics, Chen Guoliang is statesmanlike and elegant, but when it comes to his beloved army, his endurance will drop rapidly. It is like the dolphin aquarium and the ocean need different skills. An excellent dolphin must be able to eat fish and head the ball, and can hold whales and goldfish.
Chen Guoliang’s contact with the army is like a dolphin’s contact with salt water to find food.

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