Staying too long is easy to arouse suspicion.

Busy with people elite spike ghost king don’t say goodbye.
Finding a quiet place, the Red Tiger Ghost King tried to absorb reincarnation energy and restore his damaged strength.
However, when he regained his strength, he retreated and made a small attempt.
Xu tui arranged an energy gathering array to see if the energy gathering array gathers the recurrent energy.
If there is a shaped array with at least five times the shaped speed, it will definitely be a weapon against the underworld.
When the time comes, if the spirit consumes too much, then you can gather the ultra-high concentration reincarnation energy in the energy gathering array to quickly restore the spirit and regain the fighting capacity.
But to Xu’s disappointment, the shaped array didn’t
This makes Xu tui very sorry.
If only it were here.
These two are experts in shaped charge arrays. Let them study for a while, and maybe they can work out the method of cyclic energy.
Unfortunately, it is not convenient to let these two in at present.
Ann has no guarantee.
Later, Xu retired and tried several methods that could gather source energy before, such as the seal of God.
But none of them
On the method that neither the seal of the immortal emperor of Antarctica nor the seal of the monarch of Mount Tai has gathered the energy of reincarnation of hell.
This attempt can be temporarily abandoned.
While the Red Tiger Ghost King regained his strength, Xu retreated and took out the spirit map of the former captured Ghost King’s seal and seal for Judge Liu to study.
Just glanced at Judge Liu and praised "it turned out to be a brand of the ghost king’s seal", which made Xu retreat to Judge Liu.
Judge Liu explained a few words, and it was white to retire.
The seal and seal of the ghost king of the underworld are subordinate or subordinate to the Yamaraja in the Ten Halls, or subordinate to the cloudy day, or subordinate to the ghost emperor of the Five Kingdoms, or subordinate to a few special places such as Niu Ma Er Jiang.
That is to say, everyone is in charge.
But Xu retired and took this ghost king’s seal, but it was not subordinate. It was almost a Honky king’s seal
What is said is almost white mainly because the ghost king seals the seal again, and the small universe is also naturally cloudy, and the Yamaraja in the Tenth Hall of the Five Demons has a grade difference
Of course, it’s just coercion. It’s a direct order
It’s like Chu Jiangwang, the Red Tiger Ghost King, didn’t promise to retreat and rely on Chu Jiangwang’s order before. If the Red Tiger Ghost King dares to violate the order, Chu Jiangwang can directly know his position through the seal and then punish the Red Tiger Ghost King.
However, Honky Wang Seal is relatively free without this positioning function.
"Is there any other means for this ghost king to seal his seal?" Xu asked back.
Judge Liu shook his head. "My Lord, I can’t see that there may be a hell to show sincerity without other means."
It’s only a ghost king who seals a seal, and it’s not in a hurry to simply put it in the dimension chain. Now watch out for a big mistake, and then pass the marked map of the underworld to Judge Liu.
But after a few glances, Judge Liu said, "My Lord, the place marked by the underworld is mainly in two places."
"Which two places?"
"Death is a sea of blood," Judge Liu said.
"So the requirement of the underworld is to let the three expeditionary forces of the Maya, Daxi and Eldar explore these two places. Are these two places special for the reincarnation of the small universe?" Xu asked back.

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