Yao Yang wrote it with a pen in his hand.

I enjoyed two next to Yuanyuan. This is really the usual writing. At that time, Teacher Xie asked her to study. Show her the excellent articles in the class. If you understand them, you can boast a few sentences, but you can’t write them yourself.
"Not the kui is a good writing. This central idea is consistent and does not stray from the topic."
Yao Yang feels that she has been insulted by Chen Yuanyuan, but there is no way. She is really afraid that she will resist Chen Yuanyuan and beat herself up. Anyway, just write a review. If she can’t broadcast, no one will know that this matter is over.
Yuanyuan, pick it up and look at it. It’s a thousand words too small.
The background and motivation in front of this are well explained.
"All right, you can go."
Yao Yang heard this sentence without even asking, picked up his bag and ran away.
Yuanyuan put this review in her bag and went back to Thirteen Hutong. She didn’t go home directly, but turned to the Street Committee of Thirteen Hutong.
Most of the people sitting inside are Ying Yuanyuan’s aunt or grandmother.
It’s kind to see Yuanyuan coming over one by one. Who doesn’t like obedient, good-looking and good-studying children? Anyway, they are happy to watch them.
There is a street steward named kannika nimtragol who calls her auntie Yuanyuan, and this generation is called grandma.
"Yuanyuan, why are you here today? Is there something at home?"
Yuanyuan took out the review in her bag. "Grandma, please see if this can be posted on our bulletin board. I want everyone to have a look."
Grandma took it to review wearing her own glasses before she read it carefully. When she saw it, she knew what this meant. She was also angry. Isn’t this signature Yao Yang, Yao Shangjun and Liang Yu’s daughter?
"Yuanyuan, isn’t it too simple and cheap to put this on the bulletin board? It’s not allowed to call the police and let the police comrades judge."
Grandma’s tone is very intense, and this incident is very evil. How can the child be so vicious when he is so young
"Well, just put it on the bulletin board. I can’t go looking for her. I have promised her that I will write a review and I won’t look for her again."
She just asked Yao Yang to choose whether to broadcast faster, but she needed someone to distinguish and believe this.
In this way, although the broadcast speed of things through the bulletin board is not as fast as that of broadcasting, the reliability is lost. After all, you can write either of these two methods yourself.
Since Yao Yang doesn’t want to broadcast, it’s equivalent to voluntarily choosing the second one. It’s all the same.
Grandma, look at this kid. It all happened on the day of the exam, and it was solved today. He’s a good kid.
"Don’t worry, since I taught grandma, grandma will handle it properly for you."
After Yuanyuan thanked her, she left Yao Yang with her bag on her back. She was sick many times, that is, she was busy every day and didn’t want to give her eyes. This time it was really touching the bottom line. If Chen Yuanyuan was a child who didn’t know anything, she didn’t know how many times she fell into her hand. This time, she was not absolutely light-handed.
When Yuanyuan got home,
Zhou Xingyue was cooking in the kitchen and saw people coming back through the kitchen window.
"Have you filled in all your volunteers?"
Yuanyuan drawled a "North Harmony"
Yao Zhizhao in the living room also heard him coming out of the living room, and the hospital was still talking to Yuanyuan at the top of his voice.
"This school is good and has a good eye. It is an old school major."
Yuanyuan came out of her room.
"By the way, my eldest brother? Isn’t he unemployed recently? "
"I asked him to report to your two brothers and ask them how to spend their summer vacation or at school."
Zhou Xingyue answered in the kitchen.
Yuanyuan thought about it in her heart. She felt that although this matter was solved by herself, she still had to say it, otherwise her grandparents would be even more sad if they knew it from others.
Then I told the whole story, from Qiuhua Wang.
Yao Zhizhao still smiled and his face was already finished. He knew that girl was not simple, but he didn’t expect that after many years, his mind was still a little bit of retribution. He couldn’t control it and he shouldn’t.
"It’s okay. You did the right thing. Some people will never know what’s going on without some retribution."
Zhou Xingyue sighed heavily. That’s it. It’s good not to call the police.
The bulletin board of Thirteen Hutong is at the intersection in front, and everyone will go to see it every time they change the bulletin board.
Chapter 9 Furniture Factory
When everyone saw it in the past, they felt that they were going to subvert the three views. I never imagined that such a thing would happen again.
"It’s a good thing she didn’t succeed, otherwise people won’t be able to take the exam."
"Yes, yes, how can this do such a thing?"
There was a circle of people around.
Aunt Cai came back from shopping and took a look at it when she passed by. After reading it, her hands and feet were cold. What hatred is this? After all, there is still the same blood flowing.

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