上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 品茶论坛 Professor Yuan took a look at her husband and immediately laughed. What is this, asking mom to promise you?

Professor Yuan took a look at her husband and immediately laughed. What is this, asking mom to promise you?

Sure enough …
Tengyun disappointed twist eyebrow lamented in my heart.
Professor Teng also said that if you are willing to stay at home with the children, then everything will be discussed by parents according to your little things.
"Then you tell Teng Yun" Gentle and soft to negotiate with Professor Yuan.
Professor Yuan immediately got a straight face. Did you hear that? Your wife doesn’t want to sleep in the same room with you, so listen to her.
Teng Yun …
Professor Teng always feels that his son seems to have been overcast.
He came to calculate tenderness, but it turned out to be tenderness.
In this way, tenderness will feel assured, and then I will turn to Teng Yun and ask you to do this. I agree to stay here and continue my life.
Tengyun don’t talk or hands ChaDou slowly turned out of the door.
Gentleness finally leaked, and Professor Xiaoyuan sat up straight and took a gentle hand. You scared me to death yesterday.
"You scared me to death yesterday, too." Gentle in distress situation.
Then NianLia giggled and Professor Teng seemed very wronged and went out.
"This requires her not to drive you out of the house, but to live in a home. Are you afraid of not having time to be alone?"
Teng Yun turned to look at his father and then pulled it out of his pocket with one hand. Professor Teng has known you for so many years and heard you say such a reasonable thing for the first time.
Professor Teng has put his hand back in his pocket and walked out.
Yeah, if she doesn’t leave anyway, everything will be fine.
Yesterday, Han Xi told him that Tender was going to Weizhou, and he almost felt that the sky was falling.
He’s been through a lot in business these years, but he’s a little out of touch with tenderness.
However, Professor Teng is right. She didn’t say that letting him leave home this time was a step forward.
Gentle or went to the office building, because Jiang Wen was pregnant, she went back to her home, and Yu Yuying just started again.
Yu Yuying immediately got up from her chair when she saw tenderness, Sister Rou.
Gentle and sluggish, she actually called her a gentle sister?
"Long time no see Miss Yu"
"I am an intern. Don’t get me wrong," Yu Yuying said.
Gentle light smile-of course.
Yu Yuying made a gentle look at Jiang Wen’s position and then sat in her position.
The building sent the information, and then she went to call Teng Yun’s office door and saw Han Xi inside.
Suddenly there was a feeling of deja vu. These two men in this place.
"Wen Mi!" Han Xi picked his eyebrows as if he was also pleasantly surprised.
Gentle and shallow smile, director Han
Guess yesterday, the two men must have calculated her together, so she was not happy, but she went forward with a smile and put the information on Teng Yun’s desk and turned to look at Han Xi.
She is not going to talk to the boss’s adult, but she is willing to give this director Han a hard time.
"I’ve always treated Jiang Wen as my sister. What do you mean by not marrying her when you get her pregnant?"
Han Xi frowned slightly and then slowly turned to look at the man sitting opposite the desk. Please say something.
Gentle also slightly turned to look at Tengyun Tengyun received a signal to marry Jiang Wen.
"Even if you don’t want to have a wedding, get a certificate first." Gentle and looking at Han Xi said one.
"Oh, the certificate is sure to get the wedding, and you must have it. Can’t you give me some?" Han Xi has been driving crazy recently. He actually wants to, but he is a little nervous.
It’s true that there’s too much going on in front of these two, and he’s really afraid that he won’t be able to stay married for years.
"If you are not going to marry Jiang Wen, you can tell her straight now that abortion is still coming." The gentle voice is light but absolutely sharp
Teng Yun doesn’t talk, lowers his head and looks at the information sent by his wife. He knows that gentleness is to find someone to vent his anger on. He naturally doesn’t stop it. After all, he is thankful that he doesn’t have a confrontation with him.
"Hey, I don’t have a sister like you to teach my sister to have an abortion."
"If Wen Yi gets pregnant before marrying Wen Qing, I will definitely let them abort the baby, and I will never let my sister have that baby unless the killer kneels down and asks me."
That’s how domineering you are, right?

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