
Moment after moment, time rises from Fang city and flies in different directions
More is a lot of black iron, every order like a fly, yelling and rushing to the surrounding mountains.
"Don’t run away!"
Someone shouted
"It’s most possible to fight together and wait for support. Haven’t you ever been to the front battlefield?"
"Stop screaming" one person shook his head gently.
"There are seven orders, and if you don’t leave, there will be no chance."
no doubt
It is a foregone conclusion that the seven-order dark ethnic group has no equal order to resist defeat, and the number is meaningless before absolute strength.
And from a distance, there is more than one person in the seventh order.
Have you noticed that the monks who maintain order in Fangshi have given up their resistance first?
Zhou Jiateng rose up and looked around.
Dark and gloomy night light swept out from the side, carrying three or five figures flying in different directions
The mountain forest is swaying, and the fleeing figure is faintly visible.
He is a loner, and most monks flee together, and the southwest is the farthest from the rear.
But …
Zhou Jia’s eyes shrank.
"It’s a trap!"
Listening to the characteristics of the wind induces the strongest dark atmosphere, not the northeast, but the southwest with the largest number of fugitives.
"These dark ethnic groups have already secretly surrounded Fangshi and set traps, even if they are not going to let go of anyone."
As far as his thoughts are concerned, turning southwest to ambush the dark ethnic group is already a fangs biting at the first few people to escape.
"Rumble …"
The deafening roar was mixed with some screams and whines, and the breath of two silver masters disappeared on the spot.
Shout incessantly
Zhou Jia shook his head secretly.
For several years, in the face of dark attacks, Tianyuan Alliance failed to protect itself, and the boundary of the ancient sacred domain was even more retreating.
In the long run, the monks of Tianyuan League will habitually avoid and be afraid of fighting when facing the dark ethnic group.
Just like now!
When the dark race occupied the wind, many monks wanted to escape as soon as possible, and there was almost no decent resistance.
Many thoughts flashed through my mind, and Zhou Jia’s figure also moved.
He didn’t choose his direction, but swept to the source star, keeping his body down and keeping his breath in check.
"Master Qigu"
A dark ethnic group with sarcoma on his back appeared to have a half-bowed first passage.
"The ambush has been set, and the seventh order is heading in the predetermined direction. If you want to step into the trap, you must let him go back and forth."
"Hey hey …"
"I can’t believe that sitting in Fangshi turned out to be a generous sword. Sun Bu shook him but killed many of our ethnic groups."
Strange ancient negative hand and stand a pair of eyes flashing strange light like a panoramic view of the vast battlefield smell speech face unchanged.
"Black iron, silver is the root. Killing a Sun Bu Yao is better than killing a hundred thousand black iron."
"The mother emperor has decreed that our front must push forward three times in a hundred years. Wan Li’s theory, like Yunping Mountain Range, will be shrouded in darkness."

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导语:在快节奏的都市生活中,人们常常渴望一片宁静的绿洲,让身心得到彻底的放松。位于上海市桥北的桑拿中心,便是一家集休闲、养生、娱乐于一体的现代化洗浴场所,为忙碌的都市人提供了一个理想的休憩之地。 一、桥北桑拿中心概况 桥北桑拿中心位于上海市桥北区,占地面积约10000平方米,是一家集桑拿、温泉、按摩、健身、棋牌、餐饮于一体的综合性洗浴中心。中心内部装修豪华,环境优雅,设有多个功能区域,满足不同顾客的需求。 二、特色项目 1. 桑拿体验 桥北桑拿中心设有多种桑拿房型,包括韩式汗蒸、芬兰桑拿、玉石桑拿等。在这里,顾客可以尽情享受高温蒸汽带来的舒适感,有效排除体内毒素,促进血液循环,增强免疫力。 2. 温泉泡浴 桥北桑拿中心设有室内外温泉池,水质清澈,富含多种矿物质。在这里,顾客可以一边泡浴,一边欣赏美景,放松身心。 3. 按摩养生 桥北桑拿中心设有专业的按摩师团队,提供全身按摩、足疗、刮痧等多种服务。在这里,顾客可以享受到专业的按摩技巧,缓解疲劳,舒缓压力。 4. 健身运动 桥北桑拿中心设有健身房,配备有跑步机、动感单车、哑铃、杠铃等健身器材。在这里,顾客可以在泡浴后进行适量的运动,增强体质。 5. 棋牌娱乐 桥北桑拿中心设有棋牌室,提供各类棋牌游戏。在这里,顾客可以与亲朋好友欢聚一堂,共享欢乐时光。 6. 餐饮服务 桥北桑拿中心设有餐厅,提供中式、西式、日式等多种美食。在这里,顾客可以品尝到各种美味佳肴,满足味蕾需求。 三、优质服务 1. 专业化管理 桥北桑拿中心拥有一支专业的管理团队,严格把控服务质量,确保顾客在中心享受到舒适、安全的休闲体验。 2. 贴心服务 中心设有专职客服,为顾客提供预约、咨询、引导等服务,让顾客感受到家的温馨。 3.