上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 喝茶品茶联系方式 The girl is so fat that she is covered with fat and her clothes are bulging.

The girl is so fat that she is covered with fat and her clothes are bulging.

Smiling slightly, "Isn’t this Piggy Bi?"
The fat girl was so angry that she thought, "You are the pig, and your family is …"
Slightly rolled over and forced Sensen to sneer, "What are my homes?"
The fat girl swallowed "nothing, nothing"
LuoHong Qiu way "this elder sister is …"
Smiling slightly, "Sister Cui Fang is surrounded by wind, rain and thunder, and Bina, the’ rain pig’ among the four ambassadors."
"It’s’ Rain Flow’ or’ Rain Flow’" Bina muttered, "You are …"
Watching her slightly, let her swallow the last word "pig"
Looking slightly at Tang and Luo, they continued to laugh. "Bina is not a four-emissary, but also a maid of Cuifang. I wonder how Cuifang’s sister keeps her maid fat if she is not fat."
Bina hurriedly said, "Well, well … Miss Wu, let’s get out of here … let’s talk about it later." Don’t talk about it after the best.
She turned her chubby body into a stream and flew out of a mirage with three people.
There is a secret place in the desert, and they fly into the middle, and the surrounding light and shadow are moving.
I flew underground for a while until I came to a place where there were many storks hiding in the gloomy soil wall around the abode of fairies and immortals.
I came to a stone temple where there was a big man and a weak student.
Two people toward the slightly a worship slightly surprised tunnel "how can you have this? Where’s Sister Cuifang? "
The two men looked at each other and sighed. "The princess has been under house arrest, and even we can see her face in Loulan City."
Slightly sneer at a way "what the hell are you doing? How many people can hold Sister Cui Fang prisoner? Besides, there are still a few of you. Are you all eating for nothing? "
"It’s hard to say for sure," said Nai Sheng. "At the beginning of the year, although we wanted to move Loulan, we didn’t know where we got the news. We intercepted the last group of us and went to the city. We quickly got the princess back. It was the princess who came back this time, but her hair was all white and her face was sad. She was in a dilemma and lost her heart. In the end, she ignored our hard advice to get the king Loulan married in exchange for our imprisoned people."
The big fellow frowned. "The princess has never been like this before. I don’t know what happened?"
Slightly turned to look at Tang Xiaofeng even sneer at.
The big fellow, the raw girl and the fat girl couldn’t help looking at him when they saw her staring at Tang Xiaofeng with strange expressions.
Tang Xiaofeng found himself inexplicably surrounded by people, scratching his head and laughing.
The big fellow fuels and says, "Man is the wind that makes the surname fly."
Life also said, "It’s the thunder around the princess that makes this brother …"
Tang Xiaofeng dry cough a "little brother Tang Xiaofeng, this is my righteous sister Luo Hongqiu" and watched them to see if they had heard their names.
Fei Gai, Zhao Juan and Bi Na looked at each other, but they had never heard of the name Tang Xiaofeng. Tang Xiaofeng is already famous in China, but these people have lived here for many years and have no idea about foreign affairs, and no one has ever been to Tang Xiaofeng.
Tang Xiaofeng ha ha smiled … Indeed as expected, even if she had hurt her, she wouldn’t tell others.
Slightly provoke from "yes, he is Tang Xiaofeng … that lied to your princess feelings and abandoned Tang Xiaofeng for your princess …"
"Wow!" Tang Xiaofeng looked up at the ceiling. "What a nice day today!"
Fly cover, according to the volume, Bina ruthlessly stare at him and wish to eat him alive.
So he is the one who broke the princess’s heart? How can this little princess with a smirked face like such a guy?
Even if the princess likes him, how dare he be ungrateful to the princess? So noble and so proud that the princess hall was abandoned by this guy?

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