上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 Because they haven’t finished learning how to operate warships, there are some powerful systems in warships, and they don’t know how to start them like this.

Because they haven’t finished learning how to operate warships, there are some powerful systems in warships, and they don’t know how to start them like this.

However, their evolution of the brain allowed them to quickly understand the mode of operation.
When the elite troops could hardly resist, the technicians finally understood a special exercise.
This is actually an escape system.
When they started, they stayed in the control room … and ejected separately.
Found that the control room flew out, all abandoned creatures immediately shot at it and successfully destroyed it.
And killed all the technicians inside.
But it triggered another weapon.
Maybe the technician in the control room started it before it was destroyed … or destruction was the way to start it.
There are some possibilities.
On this weapon is the most powerful weapon of warships.
If you have this, you have to go to this warship’ quality’
The warship body is actually a … Solidification warship, which has the ability to enter solidification virtual.
Exactly which navigation system has this function.
The king of "Giant Ship State" should have been exposed to Solidification Virtual before he tried to build this warship and obtained some technology there.
….. may be obtained by communicating with some solidified organisms or something else.
This warship can always open the channel leading to solidification virtual and enter solidification virtual.
But that was before …
Now this era has been a long time since the era when the giant ship country did not perish.
The current startup is the function of’ entering solidification virtual’
Of course, it is not actually a weapon, but now it has a similar weapon effect.
When abandoned creatures destroyed the control room, there were a lot of disasters around them.
This phenomenon includes the huge whirlpool that Lin saw before and many other phenomena.
These terrible phenomena instantly defeated the abandoned biological groups, and they all tried to … escape from the scene because they had never seen this phenomenon before.
Of course, these creatures are still angry, and they still insist on attacking the battleship until they kill everyone in it and find bones before fleeing.
However, when a small bone unit of the warship finally resisted, it detonated the warship … explosive device.
The warship was designed without a self-destruct device, but this device was added to the bones when they were later manufactured.
Is to prevent this situation, it can detonate all the ammunition depots and energy rooms of warships, and all the explosive places.
Blowing up warships has done a lot of damage to abandoned creatures, and they don’t want to stay here any longer.
After the battleship was destroyed, the abandoned creatures retreated to the abandoned field
However, severe catastrophes have occurred everywhere in their bone kingdom.
The huge whirlpool devours everything around it, and the black sphere appears everywhere and explodes. The explosion can solidify things around it.
There are also various strange phenomena that have caused heavy casualties among abandoned biological groups.
When they finally left the bone kingdom and returned to the abandoned field, they found that …
This strange phenomenon has spread to the abandoned field, and various destructive phenomena are destroying their’ homes’
At that time, many abandoned creatures fled here and marched towards the virtual.
Whether they are alive or starved to death … They know for themselves.
Some abandoned creatures stayed.
Because they think that this destructive phenomenon looks terrible, but the actual scope is not very large.
At least it doesn’t affect the whole abandoned field. Many areas look safe.
And they also believe that this phenomenon should not last long.
There is no point in adding to the virtual flight around, and the possibility of starvation is too high.
So they continue to stay in some seemingly safe places.
Keep avoiding disaster and trying to live.
And they did succeed. Some of these abandoned creatures understood the law and harm of disasters.
They find that they can avoid discussing whether it’s a vortex or something strange by preparing beforehand …
It’s all regular
So … destroying them in the end is not a disaster.

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Sighing with a sigh, Lin Xiao’s hands are one index, and ten red thunders fall. Those people’s bodies are suddenly shattered. They are twisted and ferocious, and the whole body is dark. They have vaguely condensed into a solid soul, screaming and flying out of the shattered body. Perhaps because of the pain and near-death fear, they have obliterated these people’s sense of mind. They reached out and opened their mouths and descended on Lin Xiao and Taoist Hongye. These souls are hundreds of feet away from Lin Xiao. A disgusting stench has already come to me. Taoist Hongye was accidentally contaminated by that stench, and his abdomen immediately burst into flames, and a mouthful of filtSighing with a sigh, Lin Xiao’s hands are one index, and ten red thunders fall. Those people’s bodies are suddenly shattered. They are twisted and ferocious, and the whole body is dark. They have vaguely condensed into a solid soul, screaming and flying out of the shattered body. Perhaps because of the pain and near-death fear, they have obliterated these people’s sense of mind. They reached out and opened their mouths and descended on Lin Xiao and Taoist Hongye. These souls are hundreds of feet away from Lin Xiao. A disgusting stench has already come to me. Taoist Hongye was accidentally contaminated by that stench, and his abdomen immediately burst into flames, and a mouthful of filt

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