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Sue drank a lot. He lifted his helmet to show a ferocious scar on his face.

Raise the sharp blade high, then chop it down and kill all the foreigners who get in the way!
Too overbearing!
We need deterrence even if we don’t discuss it with you.
There are dead people in front of jet rider!
"Run! !”
Many aliens, such as the night clan, the orc clan, and the wing clan, fled wildly and dared not stay here for a long time.
There are some exciting terrans who can watch jet riding like a hurricane without running away.
The horseshoe shook the sky, and the cold eyes swept through this group of weak legs. Humans disdained to hum a "coward!"
The jet rode past the Terran without looking.
The original pale terrans at this time involuntarily surges from the heart a shock and faint blood and pride.
Look at the streets, fleeing in panic, losing blood and bodies, but not daring to resist!
This is jet riding!
This is my magnificent Terran power!
Many terrans are excited, their faces are red, they are excited and trembling, but they choke and don’t know what to say.
Jet riding quickly surrounded Su Yu’s escort and surrounded all Jian Ya’s brothers and two elders.
"Jet ride body-guard to escort! !”
Su Jiuda roared, "I’m sorry I can’t salute in armor!"
"roar! !”
The jet fighters roared like wild animals, giving them the most fanatical loyalty and worship!
"This is a jet ride!"
The expression of the second elder suddenly turned pale. His eyes couldn’t believe it. Su Yu’s legs trembled slightly. "You, you are the emperor, you are the emperor of Chengtian Empire!"
This moment two elders finally react.
He was full of fear and sweat on his forehead. The second elder wanted to squat down and pick up the signal flare, but his old palms trembled uncontrollably.
"I am the Emperor of the Chinese Empire"
Su Yu looked indifferently from the steps of the mansion, and looked indifferently at the two elders.
Chengtian Empire?
That’s a thing of the past.
Now the backbone of Terran is the Yanhuang Empire!
Don’t let it be in this rebellious land of Qinjian City!
"You! You! What do you want to do! "
Two elders panting old eyes stare round stuttering Shirley shouted, "this is the piano sword city! Do you want terran chaos when you ride jet into the city? "
Su Yu glanced at these swords indifferently and said with a light smile, "Is it just a group of Terran rebels who deserve to create Terran chaos?"
"I was bullied by you yesterday, so today I will take the army mountain! Don’t you dare to stop me! "
Su Yu walked forward step by step word by word.
His whole body suddenly condensed with momentum, but there was a great pressure to condense the hearts of the Second Elder and Jianya brothers!
As heavy as a mountain, these people are desperately suppressed.
Except for the Second Elder, Jian Ya’s brothers can’t stand Su Yu’s ferocity, and they can’t help but vomit blood, so they fall to the ground and die on the spot!
Su Yu just forced this group of Jian Ya brothers to death by imposing manner!
"You, you are the realm!"
The second elder felt a sense of momentum squeezing all over his body, and his face suddenly turned white.
His mouth was bleeding and his internal organs were broken to varying degrees.
How can you resist the oppression of the environment?
"No, it’s impossible. Yesterday, you were still burning the top fighters of God’s realm. How did you become a realm overnight!"
Two elders brimming with physical pain can’t believe they looked up at Su Yu, and their eyes were full of pain and piercing despair.
"Did you ever think that you would be made by me when you were threatening people today?"
Su Yu’s eyes were cold and his pace was gentle. He walked to the two elders and looked down at him.
I don’t want to oppress others with my false courtesy, but Nai Jianya is actually a terran hiding evil people and practices evil people! Then I will show my status as emperor and climb the sword again!
Two elders can no longer resist his knees a soft knelt before Su Yu.
He doesn’t want to kneel, but his body is out of his control!
This is Terran!
As soon as there are two piano and sword cities!
"Me, me"
Two elders knelt on the street, and he muttered to himself that the whole person was overwhelmed by Su Yu’s momentum and was on the verge of insanity and collapse.
"I don’t know you are the emperor! Since you are the Terran Emperor, you didn’t say anything! ! !”
Two elders actually cried with indignation and shouted.
He blamed Su Yu for not revealing his identity early, but he didn’t feel that Jianya was wrong.
"I am both an emperor and a terran."
Su Yu looked at him indifferently. Is it difficult for the emperor to be respected by your sword? Does his Terran deserve to be bullied by you and foreigners?
Then your swords are alien!
Su Yu’s body floats
Royal robe, fierce black hair, dancing wildly
The true emperor’s sword is drawn!

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此次的游船之旅,我们选择了上海的秦淮河。作为一条流淌在都市中的河,秦淮河见证了上海的历史变迁,承载了无数文人墨客的足迹。在这条河上,我们可以尽情地感受江南水乡的韵味,领略古典文化的魅力。 游船缓缓驶离码头,两岸的风景如画。江南园林的亭台楼阁、小桥流水,仿佛将我们带入了那个充满诗意的年代。船上的茶艺师早已准备好了各式茶具,热情地邀请我们品茗。在轻柔的音乐声中,我们品味着茶的清香,感受着岁月的沉淀。 游船穿越了一座座桥梁,每座桥梁都承载着一段历史。在导游的讲解下,我们仿佛穿越时空,见证了上海的百年沧桑。文德桥、石库门、老洋房……这些曾经的历史地标,如今依然焕发着勃勃生机。 途中,我们还欣赏到了一场精彩的实景演出。演员们身着古典服饰,以惟妙惟肖的表演,展示了秦淮河畔的繁华景象。灯光、音乐、舞蹈交织在一起,将我们带入了一个梦幻般的境界。 游船继续前行,来到了一个古色古香的茶馆。这里不仅有着浓厚的文化氛围,还有着各种独具特色的茶点。我们一边品茗,一边聆听茶馆里的故事。这些故事,或感人至深,或幽默风趣,让我们在轻松愉快的氛围中,感受到了传统文化的魅力。 夜幕降临,游船驶入了秦淮河的夜色之中。华灯初上,两岸的建筑物被灯光映衬得格外美丽。船上的LED屏幕播放着《如梦秦淮》电影,让我们仿佛置身于那个繁华的六朝古都。 此次的游船之旅,让我们在繁忙的都市生活中,找到了一片宁静的港湾。在这里,我们可以放下疲惫,感受古典文化的韵味,体验一段别样的品茗听书之旅。让我们在今后的日子里,不忘初心,继续前行,去发现更多美好的事物。