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However, the cubs didn’t mean to launch these tentacles, but continued to rush toward Lin’s side, making its huge tentacles slam into the mechanical octopus.

Boom!’ There was a roar from the mechanical octopus, and Lin hid from it and attacked the young, and also made a deep hole in the ground.
Now the cub has almost got into here, and its body has almost blocked the exit.
Lin feels that she is now in a difficult position to escape. Maybe it will be more difficult to live this time … If only there is any way out.
Lin looked at Rosalie over there. It’s still in a state of motion. It may have hurt a bone or something …
Although Lin also thinks it won’t carry any weapons that can hurt the virtual bus cubs.
In that case, you can fight by yourself.
At this time, the cubs suddenly waved a tentacle to Lin again, but the speed of the tentacle was much faster than before.
It hit the octopus body and made the mechanical octopus fly backwards. During the flight, Lin felt that most of her things were in a damaged state, and several tentacles were broken.
Lin also felt that the mechanical octopus could hardly move after hitting the wall behind her.
In this case, there is a last resort, that is, let the mini Suzumi inside abandon this shell and go back and make a new machine.
Make it more likely to escape, but before that … Lin thought there might be another way to try.
That’s this …
Lift a broken tentacle. Lynn aims at the cub approaching the virtual bus …
Bang!’ A small square flew from the tentacle section and hit the shell of the virtual bus cub.
This is the square where Qian Lin read the neural structure of the virtual bus. Maybe there will be this?
It seems that there really is …
Lin saw the cub stop moving. It seemed to be suddenly shocked and stood still. Lin thought it should be the thought of the virtual bus in the box that affected it.
Actually, Lin is not sure whether it can affect it, but if it can, it should … return to normal.
It seems that the cub moved again as Lin thought, but instead of continuing to attack here, it kept swinging its tentacles in the same place
This is when they … show doubts.
Chapter nine hundred and forty-two Making new things
"You said it … was assassinated?"
"… that’s right"
Lin mechanical octopus is in the room with Rosalie.
Just now, Lin repaired the octopus injury here, and Rosalie was treated here. Although she was badly injured, she was not dead.
And the cub who met the virtual bus in the library didn’t know where he went, but Rosalie said … it knew the cub.
Suolin felt it necessary to continue to find this cub, because it said that this cub had been assassinated.
The assassination of the virtual bus is also recorded, but the captors hid this information deeply, and those who are very interested in investigating creatures can find this information.
It seems that the captors hid this information so deliberately for these creatures to look for it, but it seems that Rosalie is the only one who will investigate it like this.
After reading the information, Rosalie recorded the appearance of the virtual bus cub in the information into its armor, so it won’t know it until it saw the cub in the library just now, because the armor will show it.
Lin has seen this cub in her memory, but the cub in her memory is rather vague.
According to Rosalie, it seems that the cub has never grown up since then … Generally speaking, the cub has grown into a ball by then.
But this cub is still in the shape of a starfish, and there is obviously something abnormal in its body, although it has not sent any signals that cause the surrounding creatures to go crazy.
It is said that it has been hiding somewhere for treatment. Maybe the captors thought it had been cured long ago, but because the cubs have never grown up, they were allowed to live in warships.
After a long time, the baby was affected again after the war, but this time Lin cured it, but it was not completely cured
Although it fell into a state of confusion after being hit by a cube, it wanted to attack the mechanical octopus and Rosalie again after a while.
But at that time, Lin and Rosalie had escaped from the library floor and were chased by the cubs on their way back.
Although most of the mechanical octopus was damaged at that time, there were still some spare propellers that could fly, and Rosalie recovered her mobility. In addition, the surrounding environment was narrow and not suitable for the young, and she managed to escape back.
Although she escaped back, Lin immediately wanted to find it again.
After all, if it is the assassinated cub, it must be a key role, but it is not so easy to catch it.
You don’t have to be as big as it. Lin decided to try a new breed.
Lin has always had cells in almost all arms, and even if it is fired, Lin will put a lot of cells in it to observe various things.
But is it possible to create a cell-free but’ conscious’ to control the arms?
Lynn thinks it’s possible, but she hasn’t finished figuring out how to do it … Now Lynn thinks that some tests should be carried out, and it may be difficult to make consciousness control non-cellular things directly, but Lynn thinks it can still be controlled in some ways.
After telling Rosalie that she would continue to explore, Lynn said goodbye and treated Rosalie to let the mechanical octopus reach the corridor.
There are many fragments floating around the corridor. Lin let the mechanical octopus move and the tentacles roll these fragments for testing.
The main test objects are all kinds of biological armor.
At present, the mini-Susumi body of octopus is mainly controlled by the dream energy and connected with the connector in the camp in the connecting world.
All you have to do is touch the connector and enter the dream. Lin can see a long passage, just like the mayor’s brain. It connects far away.
Lin thinks that by making some mechanical arms and then injecting dream energy into these arms, we can control these arms from a distance, which is similar to the control method of brain and mind
This seems quite simple, but no suitable materials have been found yet. None of the materials here are suitable for the control core.
The control core needs to be made of materials that can retain dream energy, but some armor is mixed with some materials.
Lin mechanical octopus’s fine structure decomposes these materials and then reshapes them, but they rarely need more.
Maybe that place can?
Thinking that Lin returned to the room and then adjusted the entrance to connect the virtual rock mining site.
Then when she left the entrance, Lin saw the cave environment where she had been before. There may be more materials in these rocks.
But there seem to be some strange creatures here.
The mechanical octopus is now moving, and there is something that is constantly squirming more than ten meters away in front of the moving point.
It looks like a mass on the long ground … What is this thing with meat pieces as high as two meters?

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