上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 品茶论坛 There is almost no residue in the actual number, and most of them are from one to ten

There is almost no residue in the actual number, and most of them are from one to ten

If Lin make a device to devour all that residue, she can’t make anything very big.
Because these resources are really few.
However, this place is sustainable because a steady stream of creatures will be’ abandoned’ here.
Lin can take these biological nutrients for a long time, but Lin can still reconstruct the dream.
Less can restore most of the functions of the dream.
The main reason why Lin wants to restore the dream is because Lin thinks that … the dream has many wonderful functions, which can make it evolve well in an unpredictable way.
Although the previous attack was destroyed, it was a secondary concern … Lynn felt that it was still possible to have a good trip.
And Lin made some arms herself. If you understand the virtual activity, the virtual speed will be much slower than that in the dream.
I still have to reconstruct a part of my dream, Walsh
This seems to be a very nice place … so just stay here and grow.
Because the hanging city will continue to send out signals to attract creatures, but Lin feels that this signal is not strong enough, she tries to strengthen it.
Those leg barrels are actually influenced by suggestive signals, which makes them ignore heterogeneous and non-Lei Yun information.
Lin imitates their words and communicates with them, which will be automatically ignored by their thinking because they can see that Lin is not of their own kind.
But if Lynn imitates the Lei Yun signal, they won’t ignore Lynn because she is not Lei Yun.
Actually, the main reason is that they don’t know whether there is any connection between Lin Reference Room and Lei Yun, that is to say, everything that can send Lei Yun signals will be regarded as Lei Yun in their minds … even if the other person doesn’t look like Lei Yun.
These continuous hints that the signal body is to control these creatures, but the effect on the recovery of creatures after consciousness is very limited and can have little effect
But for those creatures who are in a semi-conscious state, they can be attracted to let them completely enter a state of obeying thunderclouds.
This kind of signal is not very strong, and it will affect some creatures in a certain range
The affected creatures will approach here at a slow speed, and if they encounter spirits, they will stop directly.
And there are still many creatures that have not been affected, such as Linlu who came to see those gray legs.
It is not that they ignore the signal, but that the signal affects the limited number of targets and does not affect them.
This implied signal does not radiate around like the usual broadcast signal, but locks the target and sends it … so the influence is limited.
Suolin decided to make a more powerful signal sending device to attract more creatures here.
Of course, Lin stayed in the reference room to attract herself here.
Veronica went out on a smaller starcraft to continue exploring this place.
Lin wants to look for many things here, such as the hand … other body parts.
We have to explore farther away and see what’s elsewhere
Thinking about Lynn is a new action.
Lin’s ride is a thing with a diameter of more than ten meters and the shape of a spiny-crowned starfish.
It can fly and crawl, and of course it can devour things to grow.
Lin’s first destination is the "Last Consciousness" organization camp.
That is, the direction in which those leg barrels come.
They have a fairly large camp with many members of the organization … most of them are newly recruited.
How many members have gone through the hanging city war in the past?
This is not the point. The point is that they have collected a lot of’ treasures’.
Mainly in this abandoned land … strange things.

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