上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 This unguarded thing doesn’t crash like a transpirator, but comes to reality. At first, the dreamer dreams of eating … without feeling anything.

This unguarded thing doesn’t crash like a transpirator, but comes to reality. At first, the dreamer dreams of eating … without feeling anything.

The only thing is that the nuclear protectors in the dream keep making it fidgety and’ shouting’
Those nuclear protectors seem to be crazy. They have been proclaiming everywhere in their dreams that the things that cannot be guarded have arrived, and they also said that they would step on the battlefield to make everything guarded.
The dreamer didn’t care so much about them because they kept screaming there and wanted to arrest all the nuclear protectors.
It is much easier for nuclear protectors to capture them because they keep declaring that they are not hidden.
The dreamer’s dream food has caught all the nuclear protectors. After solving them in the original’ cage’, the dreamer’s dream food intends to continue to develop, and then … it discovered the problem.
The problem first showed real creatures, and many real creatures suddenly went crazy.
This kind of madness is mainly because they are afraid that they will do many things when they are afraid, such as running away or attacking all the targets around them.
This kind of behavior took these creatures out of their normal lives and they soon died.
This phenomenon occurs on a large scale in almost all living things living on the surface of the earth … This of course also affects dreams.
Because a large number of real creatures die, there will be fewer dream creatures, but it will not have much impact.
After all, the world is still stable, and dreams are not greatly disturbed.
However, the dreamer dreams of eating very much, which is why this phenomenon has been studied. It allows him to grasp some biological exhibitions mechanically.
At first, it didn’t develop anything. These creatures seemed to go crazy end to end … Later, the dreamer discovered that this phenomenon was originally caused by a dream energy.
This kind of energy is hard to find. It didn’t notice that there was such strange energy.
It was only later that the dreamer discovered the reason, as if his own perception was affected.
This effect seems to be due to the fact that it has eaten too much energy converted by nuclear protectors before, and its perception ability has changed. It cannot feel the energy outside its dreams.
Before, it didn’t feel far away, but now it doesn’t even feel so close.
It found that the reason why real creatures fear energy is because it found that mechanical detectors have some abnormal data.
The dreamer dreams of eating food, but also makes himself know this …… fear energy mechanically.
It was soon surprised to find that the energy of fear has covered almost the whole world, and fear has spread to all living things.
This has led to a large-scale extinction phenomenon. Because of fear, no living things will still want to reproduce.
Except for such a small group of creatures
That’s … those orders.
Those missions also gathered around floating columns, and there was no fear around those columns, as if fear was dispersed after approaching there
Dreamweaver Mengshi also noticed this phenomenon, so it studied this group of creatures.
Originally, it wanted to rebuild those collapsed columns and continue to dream about them, but because it found a lot of materials elsewhere, it left them alone.
Dreamweaver found that an independent dream was formed around these floating columns.
This dream is not big, but it blocks the surrounding fear energy so that the fear energy does not affect them.
Dreamweaver Mengshi is very interested in this phenomenon, so he plans to do more research.
But when it wants to do this, it finds that the energy of fear …
Swallow its dreams
Chapter one thousand and sixty-two Act quickly
By the time the dreamer notices this … it seems too late.
Its dream is slowly’ shrinking’, and the huge fear energy is close to its dream.
And slowly absorb its dreams.
Just as the nuclear protector transforms energy, the fear energy can also transform the dreamer’s dream into his own energy.
The dreamer dreams and tries to resist.
It has made many ways to order machines to collect more things from dreamers and see if there is any good way.
But … after it tried a variety of methods, it found that it couldn’t fight the fear energy at all, and no matter what methods it tried, it could hardly hurt the fear energy.
The only way is to let your machines look for fear energy bodies and destroy them.
But it doesn’t seem easy to find because the location of these bodies is very secret and there is another problem that they are guarded.
They are guarded by a group of tiny machines, and when the dreamer dreams of eating machines, they are attacked by these tiny things.
After the first attack, the Dreamweaver’s dream food force was almost destroyed. Later, several times, it created a mechanical force that could counter the small enemy.
But it can also be tied … and it doesn’t take much advantage.
And when it does these things, the energy of fear is rapidly devouring its dreams, making its dreams narrower and narrower.
Finally, the dreamer dreamed of eating food and thought of one thing. It studied what the cult wanted to know about what the dream energy in the cult cylinder would not be swallowed up by the fear energy.
However, when the dream weavers approached the dream eating machines, they were attacked by members of the cult.
This group seems to dislike its machinery, and when the dreamer dreams of saving his dream, it immediately attacks it.
The fighting dream-eating machines finally destroyed the cult troops, killing a large number of cult creatures while a small number of cult creatures escaped.
But as soon as they leave the area around their cylinder, they will be infected by fear energy and will soon go crazy.
After the battle, the dreamer dreamed of eating food and asked the machine to investigate the cylinder. It turned out that there was a nuclear protector living in this cylinder, and it was mainly because of this nuclear protector that the fear energy did not approach here.
Nuclear protectors seem to have a strong restraining effect on fear energy, and they can quickly eliminate fear energy. Dreamers dream of eating, and only then do they find that nuclear protectors have this wonderful ability.
Then it intends to let the nuclear protector deal with the fear energy.
This is a very simple thing. Although the nuclear protectors don’t listen to it now, the fear energy is a kind of dream food that can’t protect things for the nuclear protectors. They will deal with it themselves without orders.
So the dreamer’s dream food will put these nuclear protectors into the fear energy outside, so that the nuclear protectors can eliminate the fear energy and work hard … The fear energy is really less.
But the pressure on the dreamer to dream of eating dreams … has not decreased at all.
Because the number of nuclear protectors is too small, their fear energy is not fast enough, and the fear energy continues to devour dreams during this period.
The dream is getting smaller and smaller. The dreamer dreams of making more nuclear protectors, but it finds that … it can’t be made.
In fact, it doesn’t know how to make nuclear protectors. At first, it was urgent to let them out, but now it regrets it.

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