上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 喝茶品茶联系方式 The first attack on the virtual people soon attracted Lin’s attention. These creatures are the kind of equipment mentioned in the previous introduction, and the virtual people are very similar to creatures.

The first attack on the virtual people soon attracted Lin’s attention. These creatures are the kind of equipment mentioned in the previous introduction, and the virtual people are very similar to creatures.

Lin, it is another virtual civilian army, but actually these creatures have limbs and are smaller than virtual civilians, but wearing them is very similar to wearing armor and shooting small metal bullets.
Lin is flying their troops now. They have gathered a large number of ruins of a collapsed building. They are communicating with each other and watching the virtual people hiding in the building in the distance with something like a telephoto mirror.
Lynn knows this kind of creature. They are empty people and money, with that kind of creature painted behind them.
Black metal … Do you know this creature? They should have discovered the virtual people later, but anyway, it seems that their biological test here …
By the way, Lin remembers that there seems to be a creature like this in the prison. At that time, the creature shrank into the corner … Lin didn’t pay much attention to it either.
So that one should be alive. Maybe this creature was caught before the black metal, so it was put into the test tool here.
It looks more dynamic here, but it’s just a test. It’s not’ alive’, but it seems to have research value.
Maybe you can learn something about the creatures on the back of virtual money through this.
They discussed it there for a while and then dispersed. It seems that they are going to divide into many teams to surround the virtual people hiding in the building.
These creatures speak a language that Lynn doesn’t understand, but their meaning is easy to understand.
And those virtual people have long forgotten that Qianlin gave them an order to rush to the edge of the city, and now they are still in place. It is estimated that it will be easily destroyed.
If they go out so early, there is nothing to do to draw out all the forces here.
In that case, maybe something should be done …
Thinking about the fluffy ball, the sky glows and flashes at the same time.
Those four-legged creatures looked up at the sky, pointing to this side in confusion and talking, while some raised their weapons but didn’t shoot.
Lin thinks they may be very strange, because the fluffy ball in their eyes should be the commander of the virtual people, but when the commander flies to the sky, they may have a lot of doubts, which will probably make those virtual people notice that they can show some defense here.
Although they are going to be extinguished, they should not be extinguished so soon.
Just when Lin thinks so, it’s time to shoot a creature
But this is not an attack on the pompoms. Lin found that they are all shooting at the side. There are a lot of monsters around these biological forces.
I see. This is the mutant monster? It looks really different. It feels like a pile of meat pieces are glued together, like those things in the virtual people’s shadow …
These monsters came out of the nearby ruins and attacked this limb biological unit. They were in a panic in an instant. Every creature shot wildly. The monsters appeared next to them, regardless of the surrounding situation …
"Great, this is an opportunity!"
At the same time, the virtual people in the distant building also noticed this situation, and they all appeared from the building to shoot here.
Limbs biological forces instantly suffered a devastating blow, while those mutant monsters were attacked and pounced on the virtual people.
However, the virtual people occupy the highland advantage, and these mutant creatures are all close-range attacks, which poses no great threat to the virtual people for a while.
There are still many mutant creatures who are trying to pounce on the velvet ball. I think it may be that the glow of the velvet ball attracted them at the beginning. So it seems that the velvet ball action has caused the victory of the virtual people …
Although it is not quite in line with the original idea, it is not necessary to win, so there is nothing, but I don’t know another force, which means there is a powerful alien force.

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