"Zhou snail back? Really? "

"That’s right! We just found out that its brain has moved to the’ mobile brain cabin’! "
There are several people in the snail body, and the team responsible for monitoring the snail situation got their news immediately after they came back.
The snail brain suddenly changed its course. It is not going to the suicide brain cabin, but to another brain cabin, which means that they can come back to life temporarily.
So the attack team quickly returned to the base of the main snail body to continue monitoring the situation of the main snail and sent a message to the battleship Lille Shimin.
This group of people saw the hope of survival again, because the main snail went to …’ mobile brain cabin’
Entering this brain cabin means that the snail will be active again, and it also responds to the expectations of the people.
"The movement of the main snail is detected, and it is moving away from this unknown dense fog area, and we will be pulled away by it." The warship command room seems to say something that makes the people feel good for the first time.
"That’s great! It seems that it is the dark biological influence! If Zhou Luo recovers, we can get the hell out of here! Then it should lead us to find a suitable place to live, "said a Kirshman." Finally … "
"Please don’t expect too much," said Tong. "The habit of snails is to find places with carbon-based organisms. Even a floating asteroid may have organisms, but the environment cannot be suitable for your life."
"I’ll see if I can get rid of this."
As one of the people said this, he made a picture next to him and kept talking.
"No," said Tong, "I am the only one here, and it is impossible for you to replace me."
"…" Ershimin ignored it, but continued to fuck with others, who watched the scenery outside the warship.
In the thick fog, Zhou Luo is dragging the warship and flying out of the thick fog.
It flies very fast and can get rid of the dense fog … gravity doesn’t go deep into the dense fog, and now it is almost at the edge.
When the dense fog became thinner, the people in Ershi became excited … It seemed that they were about to fly out of the dense fog.
Although this fog is wonderful, they don’t want to stay for a second, and they want to leave quickly, but …
The warship suddenly shook the original moving picture … and stopped at this time.
"The warship was captured by great power and is being closed …"
"Ah? Why drop it at this time? "
Because of the sudden stop here, the people of Ershi looked at the people of Ershi just now.
"No, it’s my business! I haven’t found the closed direction yet … "This Ershimin also has a puzzled face.
"Forget it, just do it manually!"
A few people adjust the display screen behind the battleship can be seen … It was dark.
But after adjusting the lens with more angles, they finally saw clearly … The back of the warship was caught by a huge object.
It’s shaped like a human hand, but it’s black, and it’s like obsidian with dark algae … luster.
It looks like dark algae is back.
"What is this? Is that the creature just now? How did it get … so big? "
This is like a dark algae hand … Its’ palm’ has a diameter of 100 meters and can catch the battleship from behind.
In its length, it extends all the way to the back of the dense fog, and it is not clear how big it is.
"Boom-"At this time, the warship suddenly trembled again. It was broken with the main screw … trembling.
The warship is connected with the main screw through a large number of pipes, but the main screw just broke all these pipes.
Breaking the pipeline, the main snail flew out of the dense fog area and flew to the virtual distance …
While that seize warship was dragged into the deep fog by a huge hand.
Lin found that this moment warships, people are full of despair.
However, there is a sad but … feeling good mood among the people of Ershi in Zhouluo.
After all, they managed to escape, and it was easy to live after being replenished in the snail body.
Lin’s main note is … the main snails in the battleship and the creatures in this dense fog.
There are obviously some wonderful things in this dense fog, and Lin thinks it has something to do with algae.
"… we will be dragged to where to go? Hell? "
"I don’t know if we have … prayers."
In the command room, the desperate people looked at the battleship with a dull expression and was dragged into the fog by the giant hand …
Because the engine of the warship has been damaged, it is impossible for them to escape now … They can look at it like this.

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