上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿夜网 Its name … Lin thinks it can be called’ disintegration column’, and of course it belongs to solidified organisms.

Its name … Lin thinks it can be called’ disintegration column’, and of course it belongs to solidified organisms.

The origin of this creature is somewhere frozen, and their larvae are very small, a few centimeters long, and live a floating life in vain.
But when this larva floats to a fixed object, it will get into the target.
For example, a very big ball, whether it is rock, water or any solidified substance, will get into it.
Then a … column will grow on the surface of the object when it is drilled.
This column is small when it appears, but it will grow continuously for a long time.
Its growth process is similar to that of parasitic plants.
When the column grows, the parasitic object will become smaller and smaller until it disappears.
At this time, the column will disintegrate, and a large number of larvae will be formed in the disintegration debris, and they will continue to look for targets that can be attached.
It feels like some microbial life forms.
However,’ disintegration columns’ generally don’t send living things. They are mostly those large floating objects.
But their parasitic objects are usually the nests of other species … and they can also cause harm to many creatures.
Like their way of life, the disintegration column has no consciousness or wisdom
They keep repeating this monotonous life.
And here the pillar god is also a’ disintegration column’
It is different from its kind.
That is, it may be because it … absorbed a lot of comet material, which led to its own consciousness and ended its … different life.
For example, it stops hurting the parasitic object, that is, the ball god, but grows by absorbing solidified substances from the virtual.
Moreover, it will not disintegrate itself, but limit its growth until … it is very abnormal.
Chapter two thousand three hundred and twenty-three Battle
The violent explosion echoed in front of Lin’s eyes
The star-studded ball of light fell from the sky and hit the ground, shining brilliantly, destroying everything on the surface to the ground.
It seems that this pillar god can also trigger many … effects.
After learning about the general situation of’ Pillar God’, Lin continued to study it … Lin found that the captain-shaped pompon could make some changes on its body surface by sending it some information.
For example … some past images.
Although the column recorded in the warship database is a kind of creature that simply keeps multiplying and multiplying, it actually seems to have very complicated characteristics.
It can … cast a shadow on the surface.
It’s not a real visual’ shadow’. It needs a captain’s biological organ to receive it, but it’s as detailed as the real shadow, from which you can’ see’ all the details.
Lin now inspired this’ shadow’ function to spread the captain’s pompoms everywhere and appreciate the situation before.
Lynn doesn’t know when this happened, but it’s clear that … this kind of building material like rock is under fierce attack.
Counting flying objects, some like fireballs, some like missiles … bombarding their cities constantly.
Their cities are like rocks, and their fragility seems to be similar to that of rocks.
Every barrage can smash a large number of buildings. At the end of the bombing, there is almost no ground … What buildings are left with debris and craters?
But it’s such a scorched earth … There are many creatures.
These creatures all emerged from the ground through a hole. These creatures look like a creature with two limbs.
They are shaped like a half-body, but they have no head …’ hands’ and no fingers.
But she was able to crawl quickly. Lin noticed that four or five of these creatures gathered in a circle and then stayed there … motionless.
In this way, after a while, about 3 thousand seconds, Lin found that small mounds had grown on the ground that had been blown to scorch.
Don’t look like a mound
Later, Lin found that these mounds became bigger and bigger, and finally they formed buildings.
The whole process took almost three pompoms day and night.
Then the city recovered … it became exactly the same as before the bombing, and these creatures got into the buildings that grew out and continued to live their daily lives here.
Lynn thinks this … seems to be fun.
Then Lin told the situation here, and the shadow in the colored mud recalled the situation after listening to Lin’s description.
It seems that they don’t have to’ extinct’ creatures to have memories.
Lin knew the general history of this group of creatures after the colorful mud said.
This group of cultural creatures live in a place that can be called a’ sunken place’, and they are usually called a’ sunken family’ by the surrounding races.
The sunken place is not a swamp. It’s nothing for ordinary creatures to walk by.
But if they build buildings face to face, these buildings will disappear into the ground.
For a long time, no living things went into the sunken place to build buildings.
In fact, the whole pillar god has this situation to some extent, but after various experiments in other areas, there are always many substances that can be built, and nothing can be built without this sinking.
But there are a group of species … that is, the’ sinking clan’, but they have come to this place to build buildings.
Other races can build buildings there, but after experiments, they find that they can’t afford to build buildings.
Only this sinking clan can build buildings … which also makes the whole area a race site.
Many species in history have invaded them, whether they have fought or not, and they can finally leave there.
Moreover, no matter what damage they do to the area, buildings will always grow from the ground and will never be rebuilt.
Lin found that the sinking clan actually … seems to have mastered the characteristics of memory rocks in this area.
However, they are relatively’ backward’. When the surrounding races develop missiles, they can be bombarded here constantly … but they will climb out again no matter what they are bombed.
I feel this race is quite interesting.
Then Lin will continue to think of some way to get various …’ images’ of Zhu Shen and then tell Zhu Shen what’s going on inside.

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