上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿会所,桑拿夜网 "This is not to say that … am I dreaming? I must dream … "

"This is not to say that … am I dreaming? I must dream … "

It has been in a state of soliloquy and stupefaction. Lin looked carefully and found that Atlan was scarred and mentally tired at the same time.
Lynn thought it was attacked by something and then hid in this place, so …
Chapter seven hundred and eleven Looking for continuation
"We are watching the sea and the sky here", "There are also earth and stones" and "a flying wood"
A towering rock mountain has three creatures.
These three creatures have been discussing all kinds of topics until they feel hungry … They will continue to discuss until they are very hungry and they want to eat something.
They eat a lot of things, such as weeds, stones, gravel and so on. According to them, they are trying to create new taste senses and find new food.
Finally, they found that all these things were inedible, which made them very sad.
So they decided to look for some more novel foods, but after discussion, they found that there was no result, so they looked around here and saw something very novel.
"There can’t be flying wood in this world!" "No, there are a lot of flying wood in this world." "No flying wood in your heart."
"There are many …"
This group of squabbling creatures, a flying wood, flew quickly past the wood and was riding on the companion of the famous’ scholar’ creature, the small explosion bug.
Looking at Yanshan, the biologists feel a little nervous because these creatures are dangerous things in scholars’ memory.
"They are all over the world". "They are an unavoidable obstacle".
"I really don’t want to meet them"
Scholars flying wooden aircraft quickly flew to the distance. When they saw that the creatures on the rocky mountain didn’t follow them, they just breathed a little sigh of relief. "It’s a good thing they didn’t follow them … by the way, I’ve heard you say that the word everywhere refers to what place? I remember that the meaning of this word can include a lot of places. What? "
"I’ve also thought about this problem," said the bug. "I think the five lakes refer to dry lakes, full of water, half of fresh lakes and saltwater lakes, while the four seas refer to the sea surface, seabed and beaches."
"So that’s it," the scholar said. "It does include many places."
"You see, your kind are also trying to fill some dry lakes."
The helmet of the exploding bug scholar brought up several pictures, in which a large group of virtual people could be seen working.
They kept digging and digging a wasteland, and when they were almost done, they put a pipe in the pit pipe and slowly filled the dug pit with a lot of water.
"Are they building lakes?" Scholars say that "their development seems to be quite good"
"They were at a loss in the face of such a fresh life at first, but now they are on the right track." The puffer bug clicked a few times again, and this time the picture appeared in a wider area
There are all kinds of buildings in this area, although they have different shapes, they are all connected by pipes, which are full of green. If you look closely, you can see that there are a lot of plants planted in them.
This environment is like a town, and many virtual people are wearing protection or shuttling through small vehicles.
"It seems that the reconstruction process is going well," the scholar said. "That general is a role that can make our species regain its glory … but I have always wondered, won’t there be people there as robbers or something?"
"Random creatures will eliminate criminals forever", but do robbers really know little compared to coming? That’s because they have nothing to get rid of. "
"You know, the reason why they rushed to be robbers has a lot to do with their thoughts. When they see the vast land and gallop freely, they will feel out of their original life. It is more boring and depressing than in the city, and at the same time it produces extreme superiority and comfort. All kinds of emotions affect them to become robbers."
"But now they have nothing to get rid of even if they go to be robbers, so they won’t do this. Now robbers are all greedy for profits and feel that the distribution is uneven. Of course, there are some crazy people who are quite rare, and your’ new world’ is also in a very safe state."
"Crazy man?" The scholar asked, "What is that?"

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