上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 喝茶品茶联系方式 "Stop talking about saving lives." Qu Yong quickly checked the woman’s injury. Unfortunately, he hasn’t checked it out yet. She is dead. She is so badly injured that she has been able to support it because she doesn’t want to die, but once she is saved, her will to survive will be greatly reduced, and she will soon faint and never wake up.

"Stop talking about saving lives." Qu Yong quickly checked the woman’s injury. Unfortunately, he hasn’t checked it out yet. She is dead. She is so badly injured that she has been able to support it because she doesn’t want to die, but once she is saved, her will to survive will be greatly reduced, and she will soon faint and never wake up.

Chapter two hundred and forty Hard to buy and sell
"She’s dead."
"What should we do now?"
What should I do with a dead body in the sea?
"Strange" Boss Cao is not at all polite. He took out the bronze mask and frowned. "I can see that her death was due to this mask, but she didn’t take it away. If it wasn’t because of the mask, what was it?"
"Killing people is not revenge for wealth and color. Since she is in good health and has no property lost, it is revenge. Since it is revenge, it is fine. Let’s get the mask back."
Qu Yong seems to have a lot to say to the world by looking at her dying expression, but she just left without anything. Life is too short, but who knows that she will be like this for a moment?
"The horse is about to enter the waters of China. If you don’t abandon the body and see it, it’s hard to explain."
After much deliberation, Qu Yong took the mask back and put the body back into the sea.
But nearly three hours later, we have arrived at Qingdao pier, and ships are coming and going.
As soon as they landed, there were a number of taxi drivers, tricycle drivers and master Mo, who were very hard-working porters rushing to pull business. They came to the dock, smoking cigarettes and playing cards, but when they saw someone coming, it was like leeches saw blood.
It is no exaggeration to say that they look exactly like eating people, shouting "urban area" or "a place name that is almost cheaper when they leave", and they rushed to grab the luggage.
Four girls frowned and seemed impatient. "We can’t take it ourselves," QuYong said.
When he said this, these people would disperse. I didn’t know that he refused everyone at once, which was tantamount to offending everyone. All Han people looked at him with a look at their enemies.
At this time, a tall man who had not got up at the back came up and shouted angrily, "If the guests think they are not good, we will be satisfied with them, but if you refuse us, we will lose our jobs."
Qu Yong heard an incredible way: "If we don’t take your car, we will smash your job."
The big fellow rolled up his sleeves and said, "Good."
Qu Yong said, "If you break your job, you have to do it."
The big fellow shouted, "You are right, too."
QuYong wry smile way "you this is not a hard sell? Is there a king in this place?"
"Wang Fa Ha ha ha" On hearing the word "Wang Fa", everyone laughed. Their laughter was hideous. "Our fist is the king in this place." They said that they were ready to start work.
Cao Boss Trail "He is really right. China is so big, not every local people’s feelings are the same as those in Zhejiang. You see, the four girls are vicious in Jingtai, which is not exposed at ordinary times, but everyone in this place is fierce inside and outside, and it is necessary to move the knife. Like this kind of train ferry pier, it is even more mixed, and only these people can cover it up."
Qu Yong nodded and looked around and found that there were about a dozen people around them. They had boss Qu Yong Cao, four girls and a few followers he didn’t know. It’s hard to say that if you start, you won’t suffer. After all, you don’t know what the four girls’ followers are like
Thought of here QuYong held out his hand and said, "If you have something to say slowly, you will do it."
Although the big fellow is fierce, Qu Yong is a guest after all. It makes no sense for him to reach out and not hold a hand. But as soon as the two hands hold it, he finds that something is wrong. He feels that the other person’s five fingers are like iron hooks, and he is still pumping and smashing his metacarpal bones.
Qu Yong shook the eagle-shaped dark strength. Although this big fellow is five big and three thick, where can he know the martial arts dark strength? This fight immediately suffered a big loss. However, Qu Yong did not have the strength. He controlled and did not want to hurt these people. Although he said it was a little fierce, he relied on his own strength and sweat to eat and suffer from friends. He would never be cruel to such people because he was born in the countryside himself.
The big fellow is also a car-scrapping. Although the palm bone is aching, he can’t see the soft color in his brow. "I have offended my friend with my eyes. If you crush my hand, my brother will naturally get it back for me."
"Don’t get excited," said Qu Yong as soon as he squeezed it. "We just want to go by ourselves, please give it a convenience."
The big fellow took back his palm for just a short time, and his calloused rough hand pulled out a few red marks. He took a look at Qu Yong and gritted his teeth. "No rules can’t be broken."
Boss Cao sneered, "What a big rule! Don’t you dare to rob me if it’s too helpful?"
"Too help" that big fellow suddenly looked at QuYong several people with horror. Boss Cao saw that his face was green and white, and he was naturally ashamed. I didn’t know that everyone was rushing with various tools at a moment of "bang".
The "troubled" four girls glanced at QuYong with a double eyelid and then shouted, "I’ll come to the Phoenix Hotel again. Which one of you will go?"
"Yi" those big guys stopped wondering when they heard each other change their minds, looked at each other and then rushed desperately to pull them into their cars.
"Come to me. My van is just right."
"I’m fine here."
QuYong and Cao boss gave each other a wry smile, knowing that they had been severely despised by the four girls. This is what makes the four girls fierce. She always knows when and how to do it best.
They finally decided to choose a minivan. In fact, the four girls didn’t arrange anyone to pick it up, which was convenient. Suddenly, in front of the car, there was a man wearing a flowered shirt, whose color was the original color or dyed dirty later. He got up from the grass mat and stumbled over with a bottle in his hand.
It’s not summer yet. He’s dressed so little and he’s such a tramp. When the big guys see him, they all hide as if they saw the plague, for fear that his dirty body will stick to themselves.

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