Looks like some kind of liquid.

It seems to be some kind of brilliance.
But in fact, it is a special energy position that can decompose things!
When Marquis of Death first awakened this ability, it could break down most conventional things.
But as the Marquis of Death continues to analyze every opponent and everything he sees and encounters, it finally becomes a kind of tangible things including fate and time that even the Court of Life dare not attack hard!
And when this ability, his ability to distort reality, is blessed with each other, it becomes a special pen, which makes it easier for him to tamper with reality.
As those dark green lights keep flashing at high frequency, everything around them [Marquis of Death] takes on another look in his eyes.
It is a feeling that everything seems to be marked with special annotation information.
For example, when he looks at the flames around him, a frame will appear in his perspective marked "From crimson dominates the flame color, showing blood-red color and temperature corrosiveness beyond common sense …" When he looks at the foot floor, a frame will also appear marked "From …"
The whole [world] moment has changed with his thoughts.
Even Olga, an individual, has a corresponding mark in his eyes.
【 Crimson Master, Crimson King, Bloody King … 】
[unknown origin]
[unknown race]
"Unknown strength"
The more detailed the information presented in many things, the easier it is for him to tamper with it.
On the contrary, it is more difficult to tamper with.
He used this ability to tamper with every universe, rule or creature.
Make it more interesting.
For example, turn a roadside stray dog into a multiverse level before its IQ remains unchanged, and then look at each other running around in the whole "energy universe", making all the places they pass in a mess …
And the eye he first perceived a wider [] around him.
He got the result that the crimson dimension has been blocked by the rulers, and the intensity of the blockade is unknown.
With the idea of "Marquis of Death"
The dark green light of his hand shook more fiercely.
The following words [the crimson dimension has been blocked by the rulers] have been blocked by the rulers, and the blocking intensity is unknown] immediately became a bit of a lake.
[New Reality], that is, [New Occurred Facts], is manipulated by [Marquis of Death] to try to cover [Old Reality].
Once those descriptions are erased by him,
Those feedbacks from Olga [Time Blockade] will also be invalid [Marquis of Death] will regain the possibility of escaping from Crimson Dimension].
However, it is a pity that after trying it, those descriptions have become a bit of a lake, but they have been completely eliminated.
At the same time
Then Olga, who has a certain distance from each other, approached the front of 【 Marquis of Death 】 and looked calmly at each other in the shield department.
"Are you finished trying?"
"Do I need to give you some more time?"
[Marquis of Death] naturally cannot deceive him.
As it appear.
He just doesn’t care much about it
The ability to distort reality is not a rare ability.
Before Marvel Comics World Body and DC World Body, it is possible to find a universe and pull out a group of reality distorters.
Even Olga himself [the sole dominator] has some similar properties.

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