上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿会所 "Xiaoqiqi Aqin bullied me" Tang Sike didn’t roll his sleeves at Han Tianqin this time, but shook Ye Tianqi’s arm and blinked his long eyelashes.

"Xiaoqiqi Aqin bullied me" Tang Sike didn’t roll his sleeves at Han Tianqin this time, but shook Ye Tianqi’s arm and blinked his long eyelashes.

"Qin, there is no hate to marry a woman, there is hate to marry a man, and the name is Ye Tianqi." Ye Tianqi patted Tang Sike and looked at Han Tianqin with a serious expression.
This dialogue and interaction once again brought a burst of laughter in the car.
Han Tianqin wailed that the tough girl in the past was gone, but Tang Sike’s precipice didn’t earn him a big beating over Ye Tianqi.
Han Tianqin’s boyfriend, A Qiang, two colleagues suggested that since the navigator has a flashing red dot and the red dot is not far away, we might as well take a look at it. Maybe the red dot represents any treasures.
This discussion was approved by everyone except me, so the car changed its direction and returned to the resort hotel to go to the place marked by the red dot on the navigator
When I go to the place marked by the red dot, I have to be relaxed for fear of encountering something unpredictable.
The car always arrived at the small village marked with red dots. At this moment, it is not too late, but every house in the village has lights on.
The car drove into the small village from the entrance of the village. I saw an old man sitting on the big locust tree at the entrance of the village with a bowl full of white rice and seven candles in his eyes.
Glancing at the old man, I frowned.
The old man should bring these objects to make a ghost sacrifice meal.
The so-called ghost sacrifice meal is a popular method of inviting ghosts in rural areas. Although it has been tried and tested, it does more harm than good.
Born on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month, life is cloudy, there is no moon, blood drops at night, and rice can be invited to help ghosts achieve their wishes.
The invited ghost has eaten blood rice, and if it can help people achieve their wishes, it will give an important thing.
At this time, people and ghosts communicate by leaving blood characters, which say that ghosts want something from ghosts, and if anything, it depends on luck.
The invited ghost has both demands and deaths. The person who invites the ghost must meet the requirements of the ghost, otherwise it will ruin the family.
Make preparations before making this ghost sacrifice meal, and invite ghosts on time when the time comes.
The specific step of ghost sacrifice rice is to light seven candles to form a circle, take out a locust bowl full of white rice, cut your index finger and drop blood on the white rice.
Then holding a bowl and slowly circling around the candle, while talking about what you want to achieve, please invite ghosts to eat.
Seven candles, light, shadow and light are also turning around, and ordinary people can see that the shadow will come out. Those extra shadows are ghosts, please.
At this time, it is necessary to dial the blood rice to the ground so that the ghost food can continue to tell the purpose while dialing.
When the blood rice in the bowl is finished, you need to hold the bowl again, continue to talk about what you want to achieve, and circle around the candle until the extra shadow disappears, which is regarded as sending away the invited ghost.
When the extra shadow disappears, blood will appear in the candle ring, literally writing the ghost man’s trading terms
Ghost sacrifice meal, avoid people not keeping ghosts, avoid inviting ghosts, and fail to send them away.
When two taboos touch an ordinary person, they are doomed.
Han Tianqin’s boyfriend A Qiang drove around the small village, which satisfied the curiosity of his two colleagues and returned to the resort again.
When the car left the small village, I glanced at the old man again. The old man was still glassy-eyed and sat on the big locust tree at the entrance of the village as if he didn’t feel anything for us.
After returning to the hotel for dinner, it was already dark and everyone went back to their rooms to rest.
As usual, Tang Sike asked for leave for half an hour to go to Ye Tianqi’s house.
After Tang Sike left, I went to wash, and when I pushed the sanitary door, a ghost appeared in my sight.
The ghost stood outside the sanitation door in a brilliant red dress, staring straight at me with his eyes wide open. His face was pale and he was following the ghost after the road and car.
When I suddenly saw the ghost, I admitted that my hair was numb, but I soon calmed down.
Seeing the ghost, I went straight to the bed and looked inside.
The ghost drifted behind me to my side, staring at me with eyes wide open.
Bathing in the ghost, looking straight at me, I look calmly
I don’t want to provoke this ghost that follows me, and I hope this ghost won’t try to have any evil intentions against me, and I’m in a hurry to find myself.
After more than ten minutes of stalemate, the ghost was the first to ask me to help her.
I didn’t even think about it. I just refused and didn’t intend to mind my own business.
The ghost told me about her experience instead of leaving after I refused.
The ghost said that she was from a small village near the resort. She came to college when she was ill, but she was teased by the ghost during the winter vacation and died.
She was wronged and unwilling to go to reincarnation. She wanted to seek revenge, but she was not the ghost opponent.
The ghost said that from the winter vacation to the present small village, three ghosts have been teased and killed, and the ghost continues to harm others.
The ghost begged to pronounce her revenge, but it was cruel to see one fresh life disappear. Please help me.
After listening to the ghost’s words, I glanced at the ghost standing next to me. The ghost’s eyes were wide open, which really seemed like a reaction when people were horrified.
The ghost said that when I first looked at her, I knew that I could see that she thought I was a capable person and would follow her. She bothered to apologize to me.
"Why would a ghost go and hurt someone?" I hesitated to ask the ghost.

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