"Don’t you dare!" Jin Wengong suddenly face a change.

Seize all the forces of Jin Wengong explosive body at close range, including the power of soul. Qi Huangong chose the most tragic and mutually destructive self-destruction.
A huge mushroom cloud is sky-high.
The whole battlefield center is in chaos.
Emperor Daqi, who is located in heaven, sent a sad hiss to the capital, the sea of clouds and the golden dragon.
This has always been heard by almost all officials in the reign of Emperor Daqi, and everyone felt a sense of despair when the officials of Daqi were lucky and sad.
"The emperor died!"
"The Great Emperor!"
"The Great Emperor!"
Several soldiers of Qi suddenly knelt down in grief.
Qi Huangong is dead? Is he dead?
The golden dragon collapsed with grief and anger, and the emperor fell and Daqi was destroyed.
"The Great Emperor!" The battlefield also came to Qi people to cry.
The smoke in the center of the battlefield slowly dispersed and slowly revealed Jin Wengong in the battlefield.
Jin Wengong’s body is bloody and broken, and his face is very gloomy.
And Qi Huangong is a dead body. Not far away, there is a tumbling head that has been broken, but it is Qi Huangong’s head.
"The Great Emperor!"
"The Great Emperor!"
A crowd of Qi people jumped at Qi Huangong’s head in horror.
"Long live the emperor! Long live the emperor!"
"Long live the emperor! Long live the emperor!"
A crowd of Jin people also cheered and rushed in.
"Inform the marshals to collect Daqi immediately!" Jin Wengong ordered.
"Yes!" The Jin people immediately cheered.
Jin Wengong is not far away, and a dragon drags Jin Wengong to the palace.
Dragon chariot
"poof!" Jin Wengong spit out one mouthful blood, his hands trembled, his arms were bloody and his bones were visible.
Obviously, Qi Huangong lost both sides in the previous World War I, and Jin Wengong was also hit hard-
Heaven, Qi Jinghou, Zhongjun Daying Middle School
Qi Huangong’s death can be immediately sensed by officials who are facing fate.
"The Great Emperor!" Many officials immediately bowed down in horror.
The emperor is dead? Is Daqi finished?
This is over?
At this moment, a civilian suddenly drank "The Emperor has a decree! The soldiers listened to the purport! "
"eh?" All people panic, everyone is slightly one leng.
Listen to the purport? What do you want?
"I decisive battle in Jin Wengong war unclear results today purport ZhuChen if I no longer a king scene Jiang Chu Jiu! Those who dare not obey are guilty of treason! " The civil servant read the will in his hand
The civilian also showed surprise when he read the purport.
I can’t believe that the emperor secretly gave himself a will, but it was this news!

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