上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿夜网 No matter how the ghost of the handsome senior sister slows down and slows her down, she finally comes to me, but she doesn’t attack me as I thought, but passes me by with a light smile and hides from me.

No matter how the ghost of the handsome senior sister slows down and slows her down, she finally comes to me, but she doesn’t attack me as I thought, but passes me by with a light smile and hides from me.

I can’t help cursing for the rest of my life from the appearance to the departure of such a handsome ghost like Nima.
This feeling makes me uncomfortable. I have to be strong and explode all the ghosts I encounter in minutes.
I took a deep breath, pounded my legs and walked towards the entrance of the girl’s dormitory in front of me.
Back in the dormitory, all my roommates have been lying in bed. Tang Sike is looking through her mobile phone and saw me come in. Tang Sike threw her mobile phone at her bedside.
When I went to Gong Gong’s house in the afternoon, I called Tang Sike and explained that I might come back late or not.
Tang Sike beckoned me over. I went to Tang Sike’s bed and sat on Tang Sike’s bed. At this moment, my legs are still shaking slightly, and I can’t even stop.
Tang Sike pulled out some chocolates from her bag and handed them to me without asking me where I went and what I did when I came back so late this time.
In my worried eyes, Tang Sike handed me some chocolate bars and reached out to Tang Sike again after eating.
"I’ll go to the elder sister and there are only a few chocolates left. I’ll buy you another box if I’m a good girl." Tang Sike patted me and stretched out my hand and burst into laughter.
"I want two boxes" to Tosco. I got up from Tosco’s bed and walked towards my bed.
"All right, two boxes, two boxes. Xiao Ran wants to eat, and I want to eat." Tang Sike smiled and pronounced behind me.
Tang Sike’s words made the dormitory people boo and call Tang Sike. The local tyrant also asked Tang Sike for chocolate. Tang Sike bluntly said that her local tyrant aimed at me alone and looked at the chocolate packaging to quench her thirst.
I lay in bed listening to my roommate and Tang Sike talking, and looked at Lily.
At the moment, Lily is curled up under the bed and is flustered and eager to look at me.
My eyes were wrong at once. I really don’t have the strength to care about Lily tonight. If I can’t do it, I will stay with her all night.
The ghost of handsome senior sister appeared for the second time tonight to warn me to mind my own business.
I’m on the verge of angering the ghost of a handsome senior sister. I was determined to go to Wang Dalang’s Xiangbiao Store one day to learn from a teacher, and my mind was shaken.
Lily, life is life, and so is my life.
I restrained my emotions and had to practice every day. I didn’t look at Lily’s bed again and forced myself to sleep.
The standard is to think day by day and dream at night. My sleep is not practical.
Lily and the ghost of the handsome senior sister took turns to switch in my sleep. Lily begged and panicked, staring at me and asking me how I could bear to watch her die like this.
When I woke up early, I was all sweaty and dizzy.
"Xiao Ran had a nightmare. You looked at a face of sweat and wiped it." I sat under the covers and didn’t get up early or slept all night. Lily came into the dormitory with a birdbath and handed me her towel.
I looked up at Lily. Lily’s eye bags were very obvious. I took Lily and handed me a towel to wipe my face and said thank you to Lily.
Lily smiled and told me that you’re welcome. It’s lucky for her to see her roommate breathing fresh air with us every morning.
My roommates joked that Lily was a literary fan when she spoke, but I knew what Lily really meant in her words.
Get up in silence. I go to dinner with Tang Sike and then go to class.
I spent an afternoon struggling. After lunch, I finally went to WangDalang Xiangbiao Store in Xiangbiao Street, fz City.
For my final choice, I shake my head, and my heart is not cold enough, which is likely to put myself in a hopeless situation, but I can do it myself.
I went to Wang Dalang’s incense mounting shop and told Wang Dalang that I would follow him to learn how to make paper.
Wang Dalang was not half surprised. He soon brought bamboo sticks and notes. First, he tied a paper man himself and showed me the steps.
Wang Dalang tied up a paper man and asked me if I understood it. I nodded to show that I saw all the steps clearly.
Reading in sections 67
Wang Dalang pointed to the bamboo sticks and notes on the ground and told me that I need to finish these bamboo sticks and notes this afternoon before I can be officially a papermaker.
I have no objection to Wang Dalang’s command that I move a Mazar to sit and make paper by myself.
Wang Dalang greeted the store when there were guests, and gave me some advice from time to time when there were no guests.
The papermaker looks simple, but it is only by himself that he can find out that one of these steps is not done properly, and the papermaker becomes a four-elephant.
Bamboo sticks are connected in series to form a paper man’s frame, and then a note is stuck. When I made a paper man according to the steps, I looked at these paper men who were written by me. I saw the redundant emotions of the paper man before I finished.
"Lv Xiaoran" sounded like Bai Linger just when I realized that familiarity makes perfect.
I stopped and looked up. Bai Linger was holding a man in his forties and standing at the door of Wang Dalang’s incense mounting shop, looking in my direction.
The man with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose looks like Bai Linger in five points. Seeing that Bai Linger and his intimate attitude should be Bai Linger’s father’s generation.
"Ah, it’s really you, Dad. This is my classmate Lv Xiaoran." I looked up at Bai Linger’s pronunciation again and took her father’s arm into Wang Dalang’s incense mounting shop.
Bai Linger’s father entered Wang Dalang Xiang Biao Store with Bai Linger, and his eyes glanced at the display paper man in Wang Dalang Xiang Biao Store.
"Hello, uncle." I stood up from the paper figures and said hello to Bai Linger and her father.
"I said, Lv Xiaoran, why do you still have this hobby? It’s too unusual for you to make paper men idle." Bai Linger was carrying me to make paper men just now.
"Er, this is my uncle’s shop. I have nothing to do but come and help." Bai Linger’s words made me speechless for a while and casually found an excuse to prevaricate.
"Your uncle, oh, well, I said, no wonder you learn to stick a paper man. You stick a paper man too ugly." Bai Linger didn’t doubt anything about me. He looked at me with disgust and stuck those paper men.
"If I remember correctly, the boss’s surname is Wang. Why is your surname Lu?" Bai Linger’s father pronounced it at this time
Bai Linger’s father’s pronunciation makes my forehead wrinkle, and I don’t like it in an instant. What kind of interview does Bai Linger’s father do? It’s not so serious to meet by chance
"Haha, Xiao Ran is my cousin and niece. I am an uncle. This is to pay for labor." Wang Dalang’s father Bai Linger smiled and gave me a clearance as soon as the words sound just fell.

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