Follow Meidochan to a window seat.

"What kind of host do you need?"
Meidochan smiled with vigor.
It makes people look and feel comfortable, and it feels good to laugh for seven nights.
Stare at Meidochan for a while and then speak directly.
"Can I ask you?"
Meidochan face smile seems a bit stiff.
But the qualified maid soon recovered and still smiled.
"Yes and no, master."
You look like a maid with a lot of master’s cries.
Anyway, Seven Nights thinks this girl is very nice.
"Not to sell that is a gift? Let your shopkeeper give you to me. "
What’s the matter with this guest?
The girl feels a little nai.
There are, too. Occasionally, I meet a few importunate guests.
But this is the first time I’ve met it.
Is this teenager really coming for coffee?
Take a closer look.
The teenager looks about seventeen in a white coat.
This is also normal. Many talented young girls in the academy city have been researchers in research institutions for a long time. It is not surprising.
However, it is quite strange for a teenager to turn a blind eye with one eye open.
And it’s still red when you open your left eye.
It is said that the red pupil is rare. Is the other eye also red?
Whether it is or not, it’s no big deal
A qualified maid can’t be silent in the face of such a situation.
"It’s not for sale or gift, master."
"What a pity!"
It seems a pity to shake your head for seven nights.
Black hair, straight hair, full of energy and smiles. He looks thirteen or fourteen years old.
There is a white five-petal plum blossom hair accessory pinned to the left of the hair.
"Don’t say that you can be the heroine when you are full of energy and laughter!"
Seven nights said so.
Then shook his head again.
"It’s a pity that this is the Academy City."
Academy city pays attention to the development of ability
The protagonist is destined to be those with higher ability level, not just to watch a smile or personality.
But the heroine what …
I’m a little happy to be said this for the first time.
People like to be praised.
Meidochan seems to be able to shrug off what happened just now.
"What kind of host do you need?"
"Give me something to eat and drink as you see fit."

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