"Then stop here. It’s impolite to live again."

"Mercy, mercy benefactor, let’s follow us."
"Jie jie cry? Crying should also be counted. "
The four devils approached with strange smiles, strange and horrible, which made the whole reincarnation road gloomy.
Boom, boom! Lei Guang chopped down the wind and roared for a while, but it was a little unclear who was the incoming creature and who was the haze of this road
"I’m here on the main road?"
The fallen king’s face is bitter and his heart chills. These four people’s eyes are green and their mouths are open. They are so ferocious that they are not like good people. Who is the creature of embrace the darkness? !
The ancient underworld won’t let these four escape without a cage, will it?
Chapter four hundred and fourteen reincarnation road exotic farms
The road of reincarnation thunders and thunders, whimpers and cries resound through the four demon kings, who are smiling and approaching the fallen king. The sorrow and resentment are like the storm destroying the little flower.
Finally, the fairy king came with his back to him and suddenly sounded the fairy clock in his hand, making the whole reincarnation road roar.
"When the bell rings, someone dies and someone cries. When someone cries, speak from the heart. You can live three sentences less.
After three sentences, the Yuan God moved, gave off light and gave off heat, and the flesh took root and sprouted. "
Li Yu smiled kindly and raised my hand to catch the fallen giant and plant it in the medicine garden.
Surrounded by the dense fairy king medicine, the figure of the reincarnation road was immediately frightened. He would rather be directly shot to death than suffer such suffering.
"I said that I said this sentence should not count?"
The fallen king struggles. He doesn’t want to be a big drug or go to the mill. He is still a child without a family!
"Two words, the body is buried and the head is moved."
Li Yu nodded his head very easygoing, and the fallen giant was immediately buried in the grave, so that he repeatedly shouted, "I know, I know, so what is your purpose?"
"You should say that you can attract several paths of reincarnation."
Violet king looked at it as if to verify whether lotus nutrients are suitable or not and whether it will raise black lotus.
"I know that I am the person in charge of this reincarnation area. When you say it, you can recruit it without delay."
Seeing that he has been buried for half a body, the fallen giant has a face of primly’ brazen’ flexion.
"Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad."
Li Yu’s displeasure made the other side sink a head again.
"I know what you’re talking about. That’s what it is."
The fallen giant quickly said that he was very respectful and polite, and his future was gradually bright.
"Can you bring the reincarnation road to fidelity?"
The fairy monk king looked at him with a little doubt. have it both ways is a good cook. No wonder he can live to this day. Most of them are buried in medicine and can still struggle.
"Two real gold is The six great divisions in the wheel of karma, so one person is in charge of six; There used to be six, but you liberated three and came here, and the remaining two have grown wildly. "
The fallen giants are awed by the saying that they should be able to wronged a neighbor when they share weal and woe
A friend who dies will never die and be original. It’s not poor to live.
"Okay, take a few steps to get out of calling friends, and get out of a lifetime ago."
Li Yu nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he pulled out the fallen giant who tied the "violet cross" from the ground. He was still glued to the soil, so let him prepare to summon the other two paths of reincarnation.
"Can you change your life by recruiting?"
He asked cautiously, it’s not interesting to kill the donkey. Of course, it’s best not to pull the mill.
Li Yu didn’t mouth pointed to the medicine garden millstone smiled very mercifully.
"Don’t ask for nothing! Two samsaras, one body and one yuan god can change my life? "
The fallen giant breathed a sigh of relief. He understood it so well that he stepped aside to cast spells and tried to live hard.
"If you ask me, it’s not safe. Let’s melt him. Be merciful."
Wang Yin, a fairy monk, wants to do good deeds in the world.
"After the transformation, you can let him flee and pretend to be different to find the way to reincarnation, and pull him over to avoid catching small fish in colleges and universities, which is sometimes buried inside."
Wang Siwang, the immortal, thinks it’s necessary to cast a long line to catch a big fish.
Although he is facing away from several people, his wise eyes can still be sensed, which makes the degenerate giant summon reincarnation shudder and feel that something is wrong.
"The immortal monk is tall" and "the elder brother is hard"
Li Yu smiled. These two are darker than him. Let the fish swim for a while.
"Brother Samsara is tall and hard"
The two men are modest and dare not take the lead. They are not that dark.
Followed by the immortal monk king, Li Yu, an ancient monk, called the six-character mantra, which can unite his will to subdue the "foreign devil" and make the "foreign devil" return to his heart and be incorporated into Buddhism
It is this pulse that subdues the enemy, gathers all the people, and accepts the war Buddha. It is almost done by people to make the emissary strong enough to subdue the immortal king.
"The six-character mantra of the source sound really came from this period of time, but most of the later generations were badly mutilated by the inheritors themselves, which was far from the original."
Li Yu found that there is a great difference between the six sounds he practiced in later generations. It is the appearance of the ancient monk at the beginning of his pulse. It is really a great power to reshape the universe and surrender to the outside world.
Such a mantra is influenced by condensing one’s own will, such as kindness, benevolence and righteousness; You can also do evil thoughts in the opposite direction to erode madness, killing, darkness and so on.
"Hum, ma, ni, pa, mi, bang"
Li Yu recited the six-character mantra lightly, manifested six golden symbols and flew around, then spread hundreds of them, forming three thousand mantra.
"Compassion, compassion, Buddha and Emperor"
He held the palm of his hand upright on his chest and the palm of his hand turned over to hold the sky, thus revealing the Buddha’s face.
After sublimation, occult techniques such as divination, disorientation, and intelligence were all merged by him, thus condensing the will in the heart. Behind him, a statue of Buddha with 3,000 hands and 3,000 eyes suddenly reflected. Each eye has a different expression, including peace, compassion, fierceness and greed.
Thousands of hands are even more changeable, such as human hands, African claws, Peng feathers and phoenix wings, which seem to contain a lot of mysterious things.
Thousands of people are perfect and righteous, and thousands of hands show great compassion, and thousands of eyes represent wisdom. 3,000 eyes and 3,000 hands are the great kindness corresponding to the domination of the Tao and the globalization of 3,000.
When Li Yu was shocked, the Buddha’s light filled the air and gathered into a dark appearance, dark and deep, mixed with thunder rumbling. His eyes sank and suddenly turned from black to gold, and the blue and gold were full of peace and sacredness.
In an instant, the Buddha and the emperor prayed together, and the whole reincarnation road was an ancient sacrifice. It was amazing.
That sound came from ancient times, from tens of thousands of years ago, directly to this piece of silence and emptiness, which made several fairy kings feel different.
"A thousand hands and a thousand eyes, the Buddha and the emperor can benefit and be happy, and all sentient beings can satisfy all their wishes with the corresponding five methods."
The fairy monk Wang’s strange eyes are associated with the theory that a future Buddha was originally a product of deduction, but I didn’t expect someone to actually build it.
The Buddha-emperor method is sublime, and the holy three thousand hands dance. One thousand hands are arranged in the palm of each hand like a peacock screen, and three thousand eyes look like three thousand worlds to guide and rob.
In those eyes, they seemed to see several ancient ancestors kneeling and prostrating themselves to pray and sacrifice.

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夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华都市的夜生活才刚刚开始。然而,夜生活丰富多彩的同时,安全问题也不容忽视。以下是一份上海夜生活安全攻略,希望能为您的夜晚增添一份安心。 一、选择安全的出行方式 1. 尽量避免夜间单独出行,尽量结伴而行,尤其是女性朋友。 2. 尽量选择正规的出租车或网约车,避免乘坐非法营运的车辆。 3. 夜间出行时,注意观察周围环境,尽量避免进入偏僻、人迹罕至的地方。 二、防范盗窃、诈骗等犯罪行为 1. 保管好个人财物,尽量不要携带大量现金,尽量使用电子支付。 2. 遇到陌生人搭讪,要提高警惕,不要轻易透露个人信息。 3. 在酒吧、KTV等娱乐场所,注意保管好随身物品,避免被盗。 4. 遇到诈骗行为,要保持冷静,及时报警。 三、注意饮食安全 1. 选择正规的餐饮场所,避免在街头小摊或卫生条件不佳的地方就餐。 2. 注意查看食品的保质期,避免食用过期食品。 3. 饮食要适量,避免暴饮暴食,以免影响身体健康。 四、防范火灾、触电等意外事故 1. 注意用电安全,不要私拉乱接电线,使用电器时要注意防火。 2. 酒吧、KTV等娱乐场所要确保消防设施齐全,熟悉逃生路线。 3.


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