上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 喝茶品茶联系方式 Because just at that moment, he heard a bigger wave from the virtual crack that he tore abruptly.

Because just at that moment, he heard a bigger wave from the virtual crack that he tore abruptly.

Of course, the most important thing is that his stronger sense has already noticed the energy contained in those more violent waves, which is definitely not the energy he can resist at this time.
And he chose this dead end because the virtual gap is the only way in the other direction. If they turn around, they are likely to hit those unknown waves head-on and be completely swallowed up by it.
"What are you waiting for?" Chen Senran a pull and some vacant measures. The little girl ran towards the rugged mountain road.
The waves are getting bigger and closer, and Gragas and Lao Du also changed their faces.
"This is?" They looked at each other and followed Chen Senran’s footsteps without stopping.
"Boom-"almost as soon as they left, the raging waves rushed out of that virtual crack.
The rich scarlet to death swallowed up the faint purple scarlet waves in an instant, which constantly impacted the outside world than the overbearing posture, and forcefully tore the original virtual crack again and tore it even more.
Big let the bloody waves from a jet into a raging rush toward Chen Senran them.
"You can’t escape. I have smelled your dirty breath. I will definitely suck you all dry! ! !” Along with Vladimir, it is unclear whether it is anger or neurotic roar.
"Are you afraid?" Chen Senran didn’t change his mood because of Vladimir’s almost frenzied howling. He calmly climbed over the rugged terrain and held the little girl behind him tightly in his palm.
"Not afraid to have you … oh …" Before the little girl shyly finished the whole sentence.
Chen Senran has slammed the brakes and put the little girl directly into his arms. He kissed her on the pink cheek without saying anything.
"Die ….." Even in such a crisis, my little girl is desperate to get angry because Chen Senran is here …
"You take her away from the back of my house" is that Chen Senran interrupted my little girl before she finished intoxicated. He gave her to Lao Du "Hurry up"
"I don’t want it." My little girl stubbornly tugged at Chen Senran’s sleeve and refused to let go. She pouted and her eyes turned watery again. "Little Sensen …"
"Go" Chen Senran didn’t miss him again this time. He said almost categorically.
Because the situation has reached a critical moment, he originally intended to close the virtual gap to limit the raging waves, but he didn’t expect the waves or Vladimir to be so terrible and powerful that he abruptly tore the virtual method to stop the speed and chased him.
Only this plan also has …
"No, I’m not going. Every time there’s danger, I’m going. I don’t want me to face Xiao Sensen with you …" Little Annie cried and waved to Chen Senran.
But …
Cann’t look back
There’s no turning back.
Maybe this time …
Is farewell.
"sonorous-"Chen Senran ruthlessly took the emerald sword in his hand. He no longer suppressed the virtual energy in his body. He put his own department on guard.
He needs strength now.
Even if it is beyond redemption
"Teng-"The dark flame burst from his body in a moment, and the flame occupied the whole sky eagerly, completely blocking the pace of those crazy scarlet waves.
"Great, great, you finally stopped running away. Now let me eat you bit by bit! ! !” Vladimir screamed at the top of his lungs in a sea of blood.
The blood wave surged even more, and it rolled backwards and set off a wave of tens of meters, rushing towards that raging black inflammation.
The blood waves are terrible.
Chen Senran holds the sword in both hands and walks steadily.
His eyes are bloodshot and he can’t see much more … humanity.
Have destruction
Destroy! ! !
"Boom-"the waves are full of glory, and Chen Senran is almost swallowed up in an instant.
Bloody sky
"The outcome has been divided?"

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