上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 喝茶品茶联系方式 After solving the two culprits, Pangu suddenly let out a roar that ran through the world.

After solving the two culprits, Pangu suddenly let out a roar that ran through the world.

"I Pangu, in the name of the true God, break the three realms of things. In the future, there is only one three realms between heaven and earth! " While speaking, the "axe to open the sky" had fallen into Pangu’s hand.
"Chaos is reopened!" Pangu roared, and the axe of heaven crossed the chaos overhead. Countless lightning fell instantly, and the mountain range was suddenly blown to powder.
All the people in the east and west worlds stared blankly at the man with the axe above his head. It took a long time to react.
"Dragon, it’s over." Pangu looked at the sentient beings worshipped below and said flatly.
Candle dragon’s voice came: "Yes, it’s over.
Unlike Pangu’s voice, Candle dragon’s voice has a hint of melancholy.
But, in fact, it’s not really over-
Without warning, Pangu’s body suddenly burst open, claiming to be the most invincible body, but it was blown to pieces for no reason.
Pangu himself didn’t even have time to react, and the body that was unbeaten in the three realms was destroyed like this, and there was not even a trace of scum left.
The chaos above Pangu’s head turned into an endless whirlpool at the moment when Pangu’s body was destroyed.
The vortex is constantly accelerating, but it only involves the soul of Pangu, and has no influence on the people in the lower heaven (the divine world).
In the face of this sudden change, all of a sudden, all stunned. Originally confronted with the two armies, they all stare big eyes and look at this incredible scene that happened in front of them.
The body of Pangu, the true God, was actually destroyed? !
The creation of the true god Pangu, the body was actually destroyed, and the vortex generated by chaos seems to suck in the soul of the true god Pangu!
This scene in front of me is really incredible. From the appearance of Pangu’s true god to the demise of his body, it was just a blink of an eye …
How powerful the suction of the chaotic vortex is, it sucked the soul of Pangu in an instant, and then, this piece of chaos returned to its original appearance, as if everything just happened was just an absurd dream.
In addition to the ruined mountain range, there are also the God Jehovah and Taoist Hongjun who have disappeared. There is no evidence to prove that this scene just happened really existed.
This change, even Candle dragon did not anticipate.
Just, Candle dragon has a faint feeling that this great change seems to have a great relationship with the young man named Han Yang, who has never been unsealed. As for what it is, he can’t guess.
However, according to the previous agreement with Han Yang, Candle dragon finally sealed up Ge Xuelin’s memory about Han Yang, and simply told the Queen Mother of the West the reason of the incident, hoping that she would continue to take care of this woman.
The reason why it was not erased as agreed is because Candle dragon had a faint expectation for the last change.
A year later, that is, the year after the catastrophe in Sanjie ended, the monkey traveled around the world with Zi Xia Fairy and disappeared. Zhu Xianze successfully married Hua Meng Fairy, but for this guy, life seems to be more troublesome than before-because Hua Meng Fairy is quite strict with this pig, and sometimes it really makes Zhu Xian miserable.
Leitian finally didn’t escape the "clutches" of the Snow Dance Fairy, and obediently went to the ghost world to get back his magic weapon, but when he came out, there was another person around him.
Yang Jian Yao, with the help of the Six Saints of Meishan, barely finished the problem of the Queen Mother of the West. However, violet fairy seems to like Whistling Dog more than its owner, which makes Yang Jian very jealous and sometimes even wants to have a "minor operation" on her dog …
As for Ge Xuelin, his memory of Han Yang was sealed by Candle dragon. Under the sign of the Queen Mother of the West, she went to the mortal world with Jing Yi.
Jingyi never mentioned Han Yang again. She knew that the man who left a permanent memory in her heart, I’m afraid, had …
Han Yang, it seems, has disappeared forever since the catastrophe in the Three Realms …
It’s June 1st in the Gregorian calendar, and it’s Children’s Day on earth.
Ge Xuelin and Jing Yi found a kindergarten job in the mortal world and continued their experience in the mortal world.
On this day, the kindergarten was particularly lively, and the festival that children had been looking forward to finally came. The little faces were full of excited smiles.
Suddenly, a limited edition Bentley carrying a load of red roses suddenly stopped at the gate of the kindergarten.
"Excuse me, is Miss Ge Xuelin here?" A boy full of magnetism came from behind the window.
The doorman nodded and shouted, "Ge, your boyfriend is looking for you!" "
Ge Xuelin and Jing Yi are slightly one leng, boyfriends?
Jing yi’s mind soon emerged a man’s figure, the word, pulling GeXueLin went outside.

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