上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿会所,桑拿夜网 Lotus lanterns are a pair of female lanterns and male lanterns, which are held by the Three Virgin Mary and given to Yang Jian by Nu Wa, a more powerful male lantern.

Lotus lanterns are a pair of female lanterns and male lanterns, which are held by the Three Virgin Mary and given to Yang Jian by Nu Wa, a more powerful male lantern.

The life of Yang Jian, the male lamp, has been integrated into Yang Jian Yuan Shen, who has never shown anyone.
Nezha’s death brought him back to life with incense, and the temple was cut down by Li Jing.
The Taiyi real person could do anything at that time. It was Yang Jian who gave his lotus lantern to Taiyi real person to help Nezha resurrect.
"Everyone knows that the Lotus Lantern is in the hands of the Three Virgin. How can it become my real lotus?" After hearing Chang ‘e’s words, Nezha felt that Chang ‘e was talking about it.
Who in the three realms doesn’t know that the lotus lamp and the hand of the Three Virgin are the magic weapon of the Three Virgin’s protection?
If there is no lotus lamp, the Three Virgin is an ordinary fairy, but holding the lotus lamp in hand, the Three Virgin can play a terrible role.
The Three Notre Dame has two things that can’t be provoked, which can be said to be well known to all. These two things can’t be provoked, namely, she has a brother who is the first god of war in heaven and a lotus lantern in her hand.
Treasure like Lotus Lantern is naturally the only result of heaven and earth. Chang ‘e now says that Yang Jian once had a Lotus Lantern, and this Lotus Lantern was used as the real body of Nezha Lotus.
People naturally have some unbelief.
"Lotus lanterns are a pair of female lanterns and male lanterns. In the hands of the Three Virgin, the female lantern is in Jiro’s hand, and the lotus lantern is a more powerful male lantern."
"After Erlang got the Lotus Lantern, he has been paying attention to his life and being integrated into the Yuan God."
"Later, when something happened to you, he took out the lotus lamp to help you."
"Nezha, if you don’t believe me, I can prove it to you."
Chang ‘e said sternly to Nezha.
She is very generous by nature, and it is a kind of torture for her to keep silent when she knows the truth of some things.
"Chang ‘e, then prove it to me."
Nezha looked at Chang ‘e coldly and was very nervous.
Fairy gods are generally proud and seldom lie.
Seeing Chang ‘e as she is makes people want to believe the truth in her words.
Chang ‘e replied, then looked at Tianyi with a look of embarrassment and said, "Jiro doesn’t mind my meddling, does he?"
Tianqing said, "Don’t mind!"
Yang Jian paid a lot to Nezha, but he never told Nezha that it was because he didn’t want to treat Nezha as a brother of life and death. These kindness affected his affection with Nezha.
But the sky is not so particular.
He is equally indifferent to others’ repayment, but it is not necessary to treat others as enemies without telling them that they are kind to others.
When Chang ‘e received such a response from Heaven, she looked at the Three Notre Dame Road.
"The Lotus Lantern is the treasure of Nu Wa Niangniang, and even I can’t directly control it."
"Three Notre Dames, I wonder if you can lend me your lotus lantern."
If the former Chang ‘e wanted to borrow the Lotus Lantern, naturally she didn’t. But today, Chang ‘e and she are different after all, and the Third Virgin is a little hesitant when she hears about it.
However, after looking at the sky, the Third Virgin made a decision and said, "Sister Chang ‘e can."
All the love you gave her days ago was not false. For heaven’s sake, she should also meet Chang ‘e’s requirements.
The most important thing is that before Chang ‘e, when Liu Fu took the sky away, she showed greater strength than Liu Chenxiang, so Chang ‘e really didn’t have to calculate the lotus lantern.
Lotus lamp is strong, after all, it is not an enemy.
Otherwise, on that day, the Three Maidens were found to have been crushed, so it was not the Three Maidens but Erlang God.
The lotus lamp was swallowed by Xiaoyu before the wick, and it took Xiaoyu blood lamp oil to start it.
But the lotus lantern was repaired before the new stripe was born.
Chang ‘e got the answer from the Three Notre Dames. With a wave of her hand, the Lotus Lantern of the Three Notre Dames was suspended in her hand.
Then Chang ‘e launched the lotus lantern power.
"Sister Chang ‘e-"

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