For example, another egg jewel is fake.

Another example is Kidd’s judgment that only by putting the egg in Suzuki’s hand can he trace back to the egg inlaid with real gems.
An Shitou then Suzuki’s workers were bugged.
Then I overheard Xia Mei in Xiangban and her castle.
After receiving it, An Tou inquired about Suzuki’s family. This egg-shaped diamond-like crystal is actually glass.
Considering that the Russian royal family was in financial difficulties at that time, An Shitou asked someone to work overtime according to the organization to copy a glass gem, and its appearance was as unexpected as another egg gem.
Now, judging from Kidd’s attitude towards recalling eggs, An Shitou thinks that another gem of recalling eggs is probably not the goal of the organizers.
Otherwise, how can such an important thing be returned to others after being obtained?
Even if you need Xia Mei, you can kidnap Xia Mei. Anyway, there is an elderly deacon next to that lady. A mysterious organization with low combat effectiveness can even get out human experiments. It’s definitely not respecting the elderly and loving them.
….. Since it is an urgent fake gem, I might as well go and see the situation myself.
I wish I had come into contact with a large memory egg before Song Tian.
In case it’s genuine, replace it with the glass gem, and then shoot a moonlight simulator to illuminate it and go back to work. Anyway, with so many groups of people sent by the organization, it’s definitely impossible for each group to find the gem that meets the requirements.
If it’s not, it’s more convenient to shoot the video directly, and then you can get some results.
Undercover also needs to work hard. It is easier to get forgiveness if you have a critical success rate and a high enough key moment.
It’s more troublesome to get into a yacht. This kind of private yacht usually doesn’t hire foreigners.
Even if he can find a job, it will be very difficult for Song Tian. He doesn’t look like working materials at all, let alone such a demanding ship.
In the end, An Shi Tong let the bug get on the boat. It’s much faster to take the Shinkansen with Song Tian to go back to the Shinkansen later than Suzuki’s yacht.
Put the car here for repair. Anyway, there is still one in Tokyo.
Baishi looked at it for a while and felt that it was quite harmonious for two people to row their own water in the game hall, so he should not worry much.
He glanced at the doll that was too pink in Q’s assistant’s eyes, woke up again with OOC and fine, and then cut the perspective back to the body.
After Baishi left, assistant Q touched Ba thoughtfully and looked at a basket full of game coins next to him.
According to the employee’s personality, he will definitely not wave to finish the game.
If he is not good at singing and dancing, shooting and sports, his employees must be too lazy to play …
Sure enough, catching dolls is the most elegant and profitable move for him.
Conclusion There is no OOC.
The mask secretly nodded and hugged the doll that was almost scared off by Baishi just now, and took a picture of her face in front of the glass. Her face was very good and her expression did not collapse.
So it continued to grab the coin with a cold face
However, considering the mask image, Assistant Q still spared those dolls with their own little skirts.
It was dark and quiet, and its eyes turned slightly, and soon it stopped in the corner and fell into a black cloth cat.
Baishi cabin opened his eyes and heard someone knocking at the door outside.
He walked over and knocked on the door, and there was a shot right against his face-it was Hanchuan Dragon’s disorderly shooting.

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导语:身处繁华的都市,人们渴望在忙碌的生活中找到一片宁静的天地。上海国贸大酒店水疗中心,便以其独特的魅力,成为都市人群放松身心、享受生活的理想之地。 一、酒店简介 上海国贸大酒店位于上海市中心,是一家集客房、餐饮、会议、休闲为一体的五星级酒店。酒店占地面积约1.6万平方米,拥有宽敞的客房、豪华的宴会厅、先进的会议设施以及丰富的休闲娱乐项目。其中,水疗中心更是酒店的一大亮点,为顾客提供全方位的养生保健服务。 二、水疗中心特色 1. 独特的设计理念 上海国贸大酒店水疗中心的设计风格独具匠心,将现代简约与东方元素相结合,营造出一种宁静、舒适的氛围。宽敞明亮的大厅,精致的装饰,让人一进门便感受到放松的心情。 2. 丰富的水疗项目 水疗中心拥有多种水疗项目,包括按摩、水疗、温泉、桑拿等,满足顾客多样化的需求。以下是一些特色项目: (1)泰式按摩:采用泰国传统按摩手法,结合中医理论,舒缓肌肉疲劳,提高身体免疫力。 (2)芳香疗法:选用高品质的天然植物精油,通过按摩、熏香等方式,帮助顾客缓解压力,改善睡眠。 (3)温泉水疗:利用温泉水的温热特性,促进血液循环,缓解关节疼痛。 (4)水疗房:采用高科技设备,模拟海洋、瀑布等自然景观,让顾客在享受水疗的同时,感受大自然的美好。 3. 专业的服务团队 水疗中心拥有一支专业的服务团队,由经验丰富的按摩师、水疗师等组成。他们凭借精湛的技艺和贴心的服务,为顾客提供舒适的体验。 4. 舒适的环境 水疗中心设有多个私密的水疗房间,顾客可以在这里尽情享受水疗带来的放松与愉悦。同时,中心还设有休闲区,供顾客在享受水疗之余,品茗、阅读、小憩。 三、体验心得 作为一名都市人群,我曾在上海国贸大酒店水疗中心体验过一次水疗。以下是我的一些心得体会: 1. 环境舒适:水疗中心的环境非常舒适,让人一进门便感受到放松的心情。 2. 服务专业:水疗师的服务态度非常好,手法娴熟,让我在整个水疗过程中都感到非常愉悦。 3. 效果显著:经过一次水疗,我明显感觉到身体得到了放松,压力得到了缓解。 4. 价格合理:水疗中心的价格非常合理,性价比很高。