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Finally, the dragon uncle walked into his house, and people were relieved.

"It would be nice to have a place to live."
"Yes, there are plenty of dissatisfied people everywhere. I really want him to run outside and live in a terrible place for three days every day. He will complain bitterly again!" Someone scoffed
"Is this eating, drinking, working, practicing leisure, playing games and watching movies? You know it’s the end! There’s a lot of ghosts dancing outside. We can’t give Feng trouble. "
"That’s right, that’s right."
"It seems that people are still in the majority." Fang Ning said happily to the big ye.
"You want to be beautiful," the uncle scorned. "Do you want to hear their truth?"
Fang Ning suddenly said with horror, "You can even peek at my thoughts, but now you can still peek at other people’s thoughts?"
"Hum, of course, I can’t spy on everyone’s thoughts, but many people here practice trance, and their activities in their hearts will spread outward in a form of trance. Moreover, they haven’t practiced introductory and don’t know how to converge the mind. Let’s just be around them, and I can easily catch it. Thanks to years of spying on your thoughts, I have summed up a set of effective ways to distinguish the mind," the uncle said proudly.
"Show me that horse." Fang Ning was about to urge this shameful guy without contempt, and then asked, "Will you violate chivalry by doing so?"
Everyone has a hobby of prying into other people’s privacy, otherwise all kinds of divination and gossip would not spread so fast.
It is Fang Ning who knows that the weight will not be messed up by sex
"Lo you say which have so serious? I’m doing this to prevent danger, and I won’t reveal their privacy to others, "said Grandpa plausibly.
"Well, then find someone to show me his psychological activities." Fang Ning immediately lost his moral integrity
"Who do you want to see?" Grandpa asked.
Fang Ning chose a man who spoke the most actively just now and pointed at him and said, "That’s it. What he said just now made the most sense."
"Well, I’ll give you an induction." Grandpa is very happy.
Soon Fang Ning saw lines of words on the man’s head.
"Er, manager, I just performed well, right? How much can I give this time?"
"Citizen, you have successfully calmed 32 people’s emotions and can issue 5 points. I hope you will make persistent efforts …"
"How stingy! I have to work hard to accumulate 10 thousand points to get to the next floor!"
Chapter nine hundred and seventeen Honor spirit ghost
"You see you human routines are always so many," the big ye said bitterly.
Fang Ning is very understand "this is normal, ok? There is always a need for someone to guide workers. Only through comparison can they know what happiness is. No system is perfect, especially such a huge social system is always full of bugs, and someone must always maintain it. "
"Well, I still want you to say that they are hypocritical, but they are not …" The big ye was disappointed.
"Nonsense, I have been a programmer for ten years!" Fang Ning plausibly said, "Before work, I also had a perfect running state of society. In fact, a simple system will have more than N bugs. From time to time, it is necessary to maintain it, let alone rewrite it, let alone social engineering. Pang Datong complains that he can’t solve the problem and deal with it patiently."
"Well, it seems that you are quite mature." Grandpa Pei said.
"Of course, that’s the sign that distinguishes a person from maturity. It depends on whether he will have a problem or try to solve it after telling the problem." Fang Ning proudly said.
"Hey, wait, I found an interesting thing." Grandpa suddenly said.
"What is it?"
"You listen to the heart …" The big ye then says.

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导语:在快节奏的都市生活中,寻找一处可以放松身心、舒缓压力的休闲场所变得尤为重要。位于上海土城头的桑拿中心,以其独特的魅力和优质的服务,成为了众多都市人周末放松的首选之地。 一、土城头桑拿中心:繁华中的宁静角落 土城头桑拿中心位于上海市中心区域,周边交通便利,繁华而不失宁静。这里集桑拿、汗蒸、按摩、美容、餐饮于一体,为顾客提供一站式休闲服务。在这里,你可以暂时放下繁忙的工作,尽情享受一段属于自己的悠闲时光。 二、特色项目:桑拿、汗蒸、按摩,全方位放松身心 1. 桑拿 土城头桑拿中心设有多种桑拿房型,包括单人间、情侣间、多人间等,满足不同顾客的需求。桑拿房采用天然木材建造,环保、舒适。在这里,你可以体验到正宗的芬兰式桑拿、韩式桑拿、日式桑拿等多种风格,让身体在高温中排汗排毒,达到舒缓疲劳、促进新陈代谢的效果。 2. 汗蒸 土城头桑拿中心的汗蒸房采用远红外线技术,通过加热使人体产生大量汗液,从而达到排毒、美容、减肥等效果。汗蒸房内设有多种功能区域,如玉石床、盐晶房、香薰房等,让顾客在享受汗蒸的同时,也能感受到独特的养生文化。 3. 按摩 土城头桑拿中心拥有专业的按摩师团队,提供中式按摩、泰式按摩、日式按摩等多种按摩服务。在专业的按摩师手下,你的肌肉可以得到有效放松,缓解身心疲劳。 三、贴心服务:人性化设计,让你感受到家的温馨 1. 客房设施 土城头桑拿中心的客房设施齐全,房间内设有舒适的床铺、电视、空调、宽带网络等,让你在休息时感受到家的温馨。 2. 餐饮服务 土城头桑拿中心设有餐饮区,提供各类中式、西式美食,满足顾客的味蕾需求。在这里,你可以品尝到美味的自助餐、特色套餐等,尽享美食带来的愉悦。 3. 儿童娱乐 土城头桑拿中心设有儿童游乐区,为带孩子的家庭提供便利。在这里,孩子们可以在家长的陪伴下尽情玩耍,让家长也能享受到休闲时光。 四、活动丰富:节日庆典、主题活动,精彩纷呈 土城头桑拿中心定期举办各类节日庆典、主题活动,如春节、中秋节、感恩节等,让顾客在享受休闲的同时,也能感受到浓厚的节日氛围。 总结: 上海土城头桑拿中心,以其独特的魅力和优质的服务,成为了都市人放松身心的理想之地。在这里,你可以尽情享受桑拿、汗蒸、按摩等特色项目,感受家的温馨,度过一段难忘的休闲时光。快来土城头桑拿中心,让生活更加美好!