上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿夜网 "That’s absolutely impossible." Brother Jiu repeatedly waved his hand.

"That’s absolutely impossible." Brother Jiu repeatedly waved his hand.

Wang Mu got it. I’ll take you to Qingqiu Mountain.
"By the way, you did me a big favor this time." Brother Jiu took out a jade slip. "I gave you this immortal drunken moon sword tactic. Your talent in kendo is perhaps a little higher than mine. This mysterious sword tactic was originally used to cultivate advanced sword tactic, but it was created by the sword fairy in the world’s older era before the change of heaven and earth …"
"The higher your wine skill, the more you drink, the stronger the sword tactic. You should be able to drink some more wine once or twice. The power is not lower than that of your nine swords tactic unless you cut a few more emotions …"
Wang Mu took the jade Jane’s knowledge and immediately remembered everything inside.
He couldn’t help thinking.
I didn’t expect this wine brother’s traveling follow-up to be such a story.
In retrospect, if I had chosen this sword tactic directly.
I’m afraid there will be a brother who didn’t talk about wine in the follow-up Peihuan, and he can’t come back alive if he doesn’t trigger the wine brother’s traveling event …
If there is no wine brother, this spiritual state can’t meet the Qing Yuan incident of the Phoenix family, then it will be difficult to get the true phoenix feather. Today, I met this magic dragon without wine brother, Grandma Hai, who even ran away long ago, and I can look forward to it myself, but I may not be able to meet a little shark.
The fate is wonderful.
This sword tactic turned out to be in this way, which made Wang Mu feel that the causal involvement of this Xianxia cultivation event was deeper than that of martial arts cultivation
A little wrong step and all kinds of opportunities are lost!
Wang Mu also briefly talked about his own experience.
Of course, all those who swim with Yan’s elder Nanbiyou Muhong kite will pass by … Let’s not talk about it.
It’s mainly the Dandao Festival, the Magpie Bridge Conference, the practice of Liuli Lake and so on.
"It turned out that Yu Pei was hiding his life marriage …"
Brother Jiu mused and suddenly he seemed to think of something. "Wait, I remember I heard that you were the first in the potential list of this Magpie Bridge event, and I heard that one of the two marriages was still a perfect match in front of the mirror …"
"You can still reflect two marriages by wearing a ring of doom?"
Brother Jiu thought about how outrageous this little Nima’s marriage was.
Can you still reflect two paragraphs when it is blocked?
I’m afraid it’s not …
And the sky is close!
"Can you chop this emotion?" Brother Jiu was shocked. "This level of marriage, your marriage partner, started with your posture and potential in Yuan’s infancy …"
"What god is likely … there is a couple at this level …"
"Doesn’t it smell good?"
Brother JIU’s understanding of the law instantly felt the gap between everyone
"…" Wang Mu.
It doesn’t smell good.
Easy to die suddenly
Wang Mu can be silent.
Seeing the wine, senior brother can sigh again and again
"You and the little shark in Liuli Lake also had some experience." Brother Jiu suddenly smiled and said, "It’s not you who reflected the second marriage, is it?"
"How is that possible?" Wang Mu waved his hand again and again. "Since I met Xiaoxi, I have regarded him as my little sister to talk about marriage?"
"I’m a hundred years old."
"Jiao Ren’s hundred-year-old spiritual wisdom is similar to that of human beings at the age of thirteen or fourteen. Looking at it this time, I think it should be the effect of eating that piece of glazed fruit."

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