"Spirit Source 2 Demon Enchantment Third Form"

"Spirit Source Operation 3 Monty Holy Bone Third Form"
"Spirit Source Art 4 Group of Magic Dancing the Second Form"
"Basal reinforcement includes steel bone type III, lung-strengthening type I, liver-storm type I, glandular control type I, kidney-nourishing type I, iron stomach type I, wisdom brain type I, courage type I, thirteenth layer of divine power and hair"
A series of messages rang out from his mind, indicating that he had just flashed, and he finally gained 19 spiritual sources for promotion and became a more powerful 14-level holy knight.
Strength, speed, reaction, defense and other abilities have been upgraded and comprehensively strengthened again.
No, the body becomes stronger, and Su Li can vaguely feel that his third talent seems to have been further strengthened with his level promotion.
Then a message appeared in his mind again.
"the third form of’ dancing with demons’"
"The third form of comprehension and mastery"
Sensing the information in my mind, Su Li further realized the greater power of "dancing with demons"
The sixth-armed demon summoned by the third form of "dancing with demons" has changed from an aerosol state to a liquefied state.
Liquefied six-armed demon has doubled its strength again.
For the first time, Su Li chose to strengthen the divine power.
The enemy’s time on the fourteenth floor of the divine power is seven seconds. If it is out of limit, the duration will be extended to seconds.
In the second strengthening, Su Li chose to continue strengthening the brain because there was no better choice.
Wisdom brain type I evolved wisdom brain type II.
The brain was strengthened again, which further improved his spirit, will and brain rotation speed.
The fourth psychic skill "dancing with demons" of the 14-level holy knight has finally evolved into the third form, and its power has been greatly increased, and it will be promoted to the 15-level holy knight. According to the previous rules, he will understand the fifth psychic skill.
He is very much looking forward to the fifth spiritual source technique.
However, the number of spiritual sources needed to be promoted again has increased to 22.
This coral island belongs to a large monster nest, with an amazing number of monsters. After several people are tired, they quickly leave riding a mount and return after a good rest.
So repeatedly with the five of them spent half a day to remove almost all the starfish monsters in this monster nest.
Xu Xuehui was successfully promoted to level 11 psion.
The number of spiritual sources owned by Suli once again increased to about 5.
Gong Xiao and Ding Longyun have 11 spiritual sources, and it’s almost time to break through to level 12.
Jiang Shuijue was put off by the base line two days ago. Although she has been promoted to level 11, the number of spiritual sources is less than that of Gong Xiao and Ding Longyun. However, she is trying to catch up with her. It is not difficult to catch up with and surpass Gong Xiao and Ding Longyun.
Almost all the starfish monsters in this coral island have been eliminated. In addition to a large number of starfish monsters, there are also 23 and 14 starfish monarchs here.
13 or 14 monarchs now beheaded these three starfish monarchs easily without being regarded by Su Li, and gained three pieces of monarchical equipment.
They are left hand starfish wristbands and right hand starfish gloves. Starfish belts are all water gloves and belts. Su Li already has similar monarch equipment and will give it to Jiang Shuijue.
Because Jiang Shuijue is most suitable for water property now, Su Li is going to collect a water property suit for her. Both of them are water properties, which is just right for her.
Su Li changed the left hand mechanical wristband to the water attribute starfish wristband.
With the integration of this thirteenth piece of monarch equipment into the body, Su Li’s strength has been promoted to 79 kg, and his defense has been promoted to 599 kg.

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