上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿会所 Gu Qingshan holds the room card with a wave of his hand.

Gu Qingshan holds the room card with a wave of his hand.

A flash of light flashed.
He disappeared from where he was.
He appeared in a luxury room with a view of the whole black city outside the window.
Lola quickly pressed the inside of the satchel thug.
"But Gu Qingshan that pendant-"Lola sad way
"We have to see if this room is safe first," Gu Qingshan said.
"Don’t worry, I have detected 691 kinds of treasures just after I entered the door. No problem, but just in case, I activated 1,535 kinds of shielded treasures, and then we will hold the umbrella!"
Said Lola, covering Gu Qingshan’s head with an umbrella.
Universal asylum takes effect!
Gu Qingshan relieved a little and took out the wave of death pendant just now.
"Sister Anna said that she finally hung this pendant around your neck to judge whether you were safe," said Lola.
"I always carry it with me," Gu Qingshan said.
He reached his neck and pulled out a long black line.
Soon the sculpture appeared in his hand.
Two death pendants are exactly the same, lying quietly in his hand.
"What will have two?" Lola confused way
Gu Qingshan said silently, "Ask who there are two, but ask who these two pendants are."
Lola suddenly said, "Yes, you are the god of death in the Pantheon. If you didn’t make this pendant, who pretended to be the god of death and made these two identical pendants?"
Gu Qingshan didn’t speak
He looked at the interface of Mars and saw a line of fireflies in the interface.
"You got two death pendants."
"Prop awakening conditions have been met"
"Some power is activating in the hidden death pendant."
"A picture of a past era is about to appear."
The yellow breath emerges around.
Light and shadow are heavy
Everything changes from fuzzy to clear.
Gu Qingshan and Lola looked around at the scene and they froze at the same time.
Tieweishan wangchuan riverside
The wind and smoke are rolling and the tide is rising and falling
One by one, the dead rise and fall in the river and go with the flow
The sky is dim, and there is only a lonely figure around.
That’s a woman.
She seems to have been waiting by the river since ancient times.
No one knows what she is waiting for.
She is sitting on the shore staring at the river.
I don’t know how long it took before another white-haired woman appeared in the fog behind her.
The white-haired girl walked all the way to her side, sat with her and looked at the endless river.
"Do you really want to wait forever?" Asked the white-haired girl
"En" female way
The white-haired girl sighed a judo. "Ann … Buchi, listen, I have something to show you here."
The red stork turned his head and looked at the white-haired girl around him.
"You have the power to die. Are you a later death?" Asked the red stork.
"But now I show you this thing, you must remember it," said the white-haired girl.
She took out a pendant and stuffed it into the hand of the red stork.
-Death pendant
"I can feel that it is full of the power of death … one person lives to make up for another person, and that is it," said the red stork.
"Yes, it will become a token for you and him to connect everything in your life," said the white-haired woman.
"What did you do …?" Asked the red stork
"Red stork, remember to give it to him as soon as you meet him after your foster care-it’s very important," said the white-haired woman.
"How important is it?" Asked the red stork
"To his life and death" white-haired woman said.
"Why should I believe you?" Red mandarin fish ask again
The white-haired girl laughed at judo. "It’s a long story, but you already know that he is from the post-era, so I can explain it."
"By the way, my name is Su Xueer. Things should start from the day I graduated from high school …"
Two women sit on the banks of the river, one says and the other listens.
I don’t know how long it took before the red stork looked down at the pendant of death in his hand.

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