上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿会所 Avril Lavigne said in an interview before Christmas that she would consider settling in Italy in the future, which made Avril Lavigne fans in Italy very happy.

Avril Lavigne said in an interview before Christmas that she would consider settling in Italy in the future, which made Avril Lavigne fans in Italy very happy.

Now they are here to take practical actions to support their idols.
About 300 Avril Lavigne fans gathered outside the airport. When Avril Lavigne came out, they screamed and drowned out the noise of supersonic passenger plane taking off and landing!
Some entertainment reporters proudly claimed in the report that Avril Lavigne, the singer’s wife, is more popular than her husband. Although football is the first sport, it is still a minority in front of music. It is better not to have the male chauvinism psychological imbalance in China.
Chapter one hundred and thirty-three Know your opponent
It is also an influential entertainment media.
All this emotion flows widely.
Of course, soon someone will always win the name, and he actually has a lot of fans
On January 13th, Lazio played Siena at home in the 19th round of the League.
In this game, Lazio fans displayed a giant banner that almost went around, saying in Italian and English, "There are 70,000 people here who are regular supporters! There are two million people out there, just like us! "
Obviously, after watching the entertainment media reports, Lazio fans are very angry to announce that they are in this way.
Avril Lavigne was in the VIP box in this game, and she naturally saw this scene.
However, she was not angry about it. On the contrary, her face was always smiling.
She is also very happy to see her husband so popular, and it is impossible to be jealous with her husband.
The TV broadcast was given to Avril Lavigne, a close-up commentator quipped, "It’s a relief to see the sample often wins because his wife is not angry …"
Lazio beat Siena 21 points in this game and continued to top the league.
At the press conference after the game, a reporter asked Changsheng about the banner and the comments of entertainment magazines.
In a good mood, Chang Sheng smiled and said, "I haven’t talked to Avril about this … will she be angry?" She’s not a cheapskate. What’s so angry about that? "
Another reporter asked his wife if coming to the scene to watch the game would make Changsheng better and more motivated.
Changsheng Tanshou "I can’t play a game if I have the fighting spirit again, but Avril Lavigne did tell me that if I lost the game, I would get up and make breakfast for her tomorrow, so I could sleep in so that the players could win the game desperately …"
The reporters gave a good laugh.
We’ve been together for so long, and we know that Chang Sheng doesn’t always look ferocious when he is in front of the media, and he has to argue with the media endlessly.
Actually, if you don’t deliberately provoke Chang Sheng, he is still a good contact person. He won’t take the initiative to provoke unless he wants to fight psychological warfare, but he won’t call the media to fight psychological warfare …
Of course, Chang Sheng is in a good mood. If you mess with Chang Sheng, I’m sorry. Chang Sheng will definitely make you want to die and regret messing with him.
Lazio was eliminated by messina in the Italian Cup final in November last year.
At that time, the team was not thinking about the Coppa Italia. It was Lazio’s first round of the Coppa Italia.
But it doesn’t matter if you don’t want the chicken ribs in the Italian cup
The league is the most important thing
At the same time, due to the lack of the Italian Cup, Lazio’s competition in January is not very close
Lazio can get more rest without the quarter-finals and semi-finals
This is also the benefit of being eliminated from the Italian Cup …
On January 21st, Lazio welcomed AC Milan at home in the 20th round of the league.
It is obvious that the scandal has a profound impact on AC Milan this season.
After playing 19 rounds in the league, AC Milan ranked seventh with seven wins, seven draws and five losses and only 20 points.

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