上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿夜网 Wang Kai came in regardless of the banquet and shouted at Wang Xuemin directly.

Wang Kai came in regardless of the banquet and shouted at Wang Xuemin directly.

Isn’t it the past to interrupt people’s hands and feet? Why do you need someone to tie me back when you’re not in trouble?
Xue-min wang angry eyebrows with a very terrible look scolded 1, then directly a foot to kick Wang Kai down.
"Sir … what are you doing? Wang Kai is your son anyway."
At this time, an old woman with a mean face ran out and quickly protected Wang Kai and shouted at Wang Xuemin.
Wang Xuemin’s hands were shaking with anger at that time.
These bitches make him so anxious! Today, the winner princess is Liu Da’s field. Can he afford to lose this person?
"Roll mom! If you hadn’t spoiled him, look at you and see what he has grown into now? "
But Wang Kai quit.
When I rushed up, I glared at my father and shouted, "You old bastard, why do you scold us for being careful when you die? No one will prepare a coffin for you, and the corpse will always ignore you in the wilderness."
When this statement came out, it simply subverted the moral concept.
The field is quiet. Come on.
"Are you Wang Kai?"
At this time, Liu Yu got up and slowly walked over. The momentum poured out like a flood, and like a Taishan coping, this small Wang Kai trembled and his eyes were frightened.
"I think you’re upset. You have three seconds to apologize to your father."
Wang Kai took drugs, and he was scared when he faced a guy younger than himself? He thought that he must be hallucinating.
So he became angry from embarrassment. "What the hell are you? Roll or not, I will interrupt your hands and feet. "
Be quiet!
The field was completely silent again.
Even Wang Kai’s mother was dumbfounded. What is Master Liu? She knows it in her heart … Now even the fairy can’t save her son.
"… two … one!"
Liu Yu still counted the last place, and when he scolded, a gust of wind passed by him, and then Wang Kai flew out of the living room.
Win keqin outside the door has locked Wang Kai’s throat and got up.
"A scum like you deserves to die!"
In a word, then the gas is to’ creak’ the bones and crush Wang Kai-physically dead.
From the perspective of the winner and the Wangs, the two are the main attachments, while Wang Kai is so arrogant that she wins, but no one dares to stop Jean from killing her.
"Kyle …"
The old woman collapsed and roared, casting a bitter look at winning Keqin Liu Yu.
第379章 闭门相对
Win at the moment can jean initiative to hand forward respectfully said
"Tell me" Liu Yu’s eyes lit up with a curtain of knowledge. After all, Wang Xuemin is just a nobody who knows very little.
But when it comes to winning the piano, that’s very unusual
She must know more.
Win keqin nodded slightly and immediately said what he knew, so he came to spill the beans.
It turns out that a few years ago, this Duan Wanqian once visited the winner in Jiangdong, and the extortionate with the strongest financial and material resources in Jiangdong was also not to be taunted. As soon as this great god arrived, he was emphatically entertained by the winner, but he had a special ability in winning Keqin’s statement, that is, he could kill people for nothing, but he couldn’t see them alive or dead.
"And … and I’m afraid this person is really a first-class ghost. It takes him a few minutes to get from the imperial city to Jiangdong, which is like jumping in the shadows."
Win can jean explained Qiao face slightly became solemn.
"Good" Liu Yu got up. "I’m going to Qiao’s house. Would you like to follow me?"
Win Keqin nodded quickly. "Keqin will always follow wherever the master goes."
Liu Yu laughed a few times and went out of the hall to the courtyard, and then held out his hand to Win Keqin. "Come and I’ll take you there."
Win Keqin hesitated for a second, and then took the pink jade hand without hesitation.
Her heart would have acquiesced to Liu Yu all her life. After all … After all, this man has seen her all.
"Send Master Liu!"
Wang Xuemin led the members of the Wang family to the compound together, and then knelt down together. If Liu Yu hadn’t appeared here, I’m afraid the Wang family would have been devastated.
Liu Yu nodded and said to Win Keqin, "Are you ready?"
"The master is ready!" Win Keqin’s pink face gently, and then the Wangs suddenly transformed two huge wings behind Liu Yu’s shocking eyes. With a gentle wave, the two of them rose to the sky and appeared more than 1,000 meters away in the blink of an eye.
"Master Liu …"
Xue-min wang thirsty is looking at the Wan Liyun sky for a long time can’t during the.
The Qiao family is a very mysterious family so far. It is located in the coastal area of the Imperial City, where there is a hill. It is said that the hill has been occupied by the Qiao family and a very magnificent building has been built. Among the luxurious buildings of the Imperial City, the Qiao family ancestral home can rank in the top five.
Liu Yu looks at the outline and pattern of Qiao’s family from a height of 1,000 meters, which is actually like a dragon?
Longxi water leaves and clouds soar in Wan Li.
This sentence is abstracted from geomantic metaphysics, which literally means that dragons love water, even if they are away from the water source, they will soar in the sky and will not be willing to occupy it. However, Qiao’s house is a dragon-occupied type, which is a very bad pattern in terms of its location and architectural characteristics
"Ah, it seems that this jstars have something to do."
I cann’t believe there’s a locked dragon array here Flying away with the dragon method will be enjoyed by the Qiao family for generations. It’s really a big deal to stay in heaven.
This method is almost similar to that of the four island dragons, and it is the ultimate goal to seize the dragon wind
"Master, are we going now?" Win can jean inquired.
Although she is thousands of meters tall, she is really a master and strong enough not to be afraid.
Liu Yu waved his hand.
Fang Qiao’s gate suddenly dropped a dazzling light in broad daylight and hit the ground with a "bang"

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