上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 All the arms in Lin’s city are alive. Lin decided to investigate this huge object like sea cucumber.

All the arms in Lin’s city are alive. Lin decided to investigate this huge object like sea cucumber.

At the same time, Lin also continued to send Walsh weapons … to the return position.
Because the mutant city has been floating slowly for a long time, if Lin flies back quickly, she will soon reach the location of the Tibetan transmitter.
After flying for a while, Walsh’s weapon arrived at the position of the Tibetan feeder.
This hidden object looks like a common drifting stone in the virtual world.
Lin let Walsh’s weapon float to the vicinity of the hidden device and then stopped, mainly because Lin found … abnormality.
These hundreds of hidden objects have been tested before.
However, Lin didn’t directly’ touch’ the hidden device. She just tested the first few.
Because Lin found that these hidden devices are connected with each other, the first one can know the situation of all the hidden devices behind.
Although these things send energy, they are not single-time, they can be used again.
If you want to give them a’ hiding’ command, you can prepare them for energy.
Lynn knew what this instruction was when she had detected the first hidden device and sent it to all the hidden devices.
Now they are almost full of energy
But … Although these things can hide and send energy, they have no function.
They need something else, such as bus organs, to hide and send energy.
There’s nothing wrong with it. Lin just needs to make a delivery device.
It was Lin who found that there were problems with several hidden devices in the middle section.
Lin can detect the situation of each hidden device. Lin found that the energy sent in several hidden devices had a’ variation’ … feeling.
If this energy is made, it may be sent to unknown areas.
This should be a trap class of mutation system.
Obviously, it knew that Lin should benefit from these hidden devices and created such a trap.
Although Lin is also very interested to see where this’ trap’ will be sent.
But for the time being, let’s just send Ershi’s weapons back to Andi.
So Lin is going to … Don’t make these hidden devices.
Although some of them are abnormal, there may be … ambush things around the hidden device.
Because these Tibetan vessels have no delivery function, there is no variation city.
Every time you send it, there must be a feeder near these hidden devices. What can help it send it?
There may be some troops guarding each hidden device.
Including this last hidden object, although Lin hasn’t seen it yet.
But Lynn is not going to the other hidden device.
Thinking about Lin, let Walsh’s weapon approach the hidden device … Finally, the two sides touched together.
At the moment of collision, the weapon also slowly’ absorbs’ the energy of the hidden device.
Walsh weapons can also hide energy, which is not Lin’s added function, but its function.
However, Lin added an energy absorption and delivery device to it.
How many times can a weapon be delivered with the energy of a hidden device? Lin decided to send the weapon to an safe place first.
Then … add more functions to this weapon and make it move in the direction of travel.
After sucking the energy, Lin sent the weapon once.
Actually, Lin is also giving it away casually, so long as she doesn’t get close to those hidden objects.
Then this place Lin modified weapons.
This process was quite successful. Lin didn’t find anything to sneak attack the class when she modified it.
And at this location, Lin also found some resources, such as floating debris.
Lin collected these scraps to modify the weapon as a whole … that is, to make it into a warship. When Lin found that the robots did the same thing.
The former mutant city crashed into a sea cucumber-like object and was destroyed. Of course, those robots also crashed.
But they are almost all alive.
Even if these people are torn apart, they can live to keep the core parts of their heads intact.
So these people quickly repair themselves … Most people have only one head left, but they can stretch out from the head and crawl with many similar tentacle structures.
When they get their body parts back and repair themselves again, the first thing they have to do is …
Kill this sea cucumber.
To be precise, they set the main goal of killing it.
These robots also United as if they had forgotten that they had fought each other before.
So they quickly searched for materials to assemble weapons in the ruins of their cities.
Their material is not the city wreckage, but … the’ snow’.
There are many cities in the’ snow’ urban area that have been smashed and sprinkled with sea cucumber skins.
These snows can be said to be "all dreams come true"
Robots can make these snows into things by imagination.
Including weapons. What?
Chapter three thousand two hundred and fifty-two Collect
"Kill it quickly! We can control it! "
"Yes, we are the only creatures that can kill it …!"
"This is the best chance!"

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