上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿夜网 It is very huge. After absorbing many nail warships, it has grown to nearly 25 kilometers in length.

It is very huge. After absorbing many nail warships, it has grown to nearly 25 kilometers in length.

And Lin has been injecting those bitter nail people warships into it at this time.
They … Have no resistance.
After being melted into it, these bitter people found that everything around them was rapidly … deformed.
The walls around them instantly disintegrated into many small metal particles, and these small metal particles reassembled after a few seconds.
But after the combination, their room is no longer the same, but a … vast hall.
There seems to be nothing here, and these bitter people are also trying to explore with doubts.
"You … are so stupid."
At this time, several bitter nail people once again received the parasite signal, which once again contained the information that shocked them.
Parasites … parasitize all parts of their population from a very early age.
It’s not just parasites or spirits, but also their manufactures, weapons, warships and so on. Everything is parasitic by it.
So they just exploded before launching the attack, because it controlled all weapons.
The same is true for warships. All warships have been controlled by parasites, and their roots have not been found.
Parasite means that it wants these bitter people to fight by themselves. If they obey, their language can continue for a while.
But they actually do this, so it has to recycle everything and deal with the painful bus in person.
For this matter, it is almost accepted by the people.
It’s like they all … Instantly collapsed.
It feels like they are parasitic feeders, and they have no freedom from the beginning.
However, the parasite here also shows that it is not a breeder.
At least it has not been close to the bitter nail people since their birth.
But stumbled across them and decided to … parasitize them.
The bitter nail people are too old to remember the history, so they don’t know the early things.
But … when they remember history, there has been such a thing as random death, which also means that parasites control them very early.
Now almost all warships … have been melted into it.
And the original’ pin battleship’ has now been transformed into a needle-like object that is more than 30 kilometers long.
It is much thicker than before, but the whole shape is still thick and pointed at the same time
All the warships were integrated by it, including the bitter people inside.
But it didn’t kill the bitter people inside, but trapped them inside.
In this needle warship is now started.
It turned around and flew rapidly towards the imaginary.
For its purpose …
Of course, it is the direction of the painful bus.
Chapter two thousand nine hundred and twenty-five Unlock
"We … what …"
This group of people, known as the bitter nail people, has been … very difficult to develop.
Because they are pure virtual creatures.
That is to say, there is no attachment to grow up completely.
At first, they relied on a small amount of virtual debris, and after a long time, they knew how to find resources by themselves.
Then it took a long time … they built their home, which is these nail warships.
In the end, they found that all this … didn’t belong to them.
They have fallen into total confusion.
So Lynn can communicate with them.
Lin tried to have some communication with several people who had been observing by Lin. They are very depressed now, so they are not very interested in everything.

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