
Mazzari adjusted his tactics at halftime.
He told the lost Napoli players to defend themselves at half-time.
"Don’t try to attack, we will defend it!" He said this to the players
Perhaps there will be players who think that it is too timid for their head coach to give up and surrender so directly.
Mazar-e-Rima got a name, and they immediately thought otherwise.
"Don’t forget the tragedy of Barry. I don’t think any of you scored 13 goals in a game by Lazio, did you?"
Sure enough, everyone’s expression is fierce.
Barry’s tragedy has been repeated until now.
Tell everyone-don’t get angry and always win. Don’t look down on Lazio, which looks weak. Their fighting capacity may be better than the strongest!
Mazzari moved Barry out and everyone lost their temper.
I honestly accepted the arrangement of the head coach.
The Napoli players realized how far-sighted their coach was as soon as the half-time game …
Lazio’s attack at half time was not weakened at all because they had already led by two goals.
On the contrary, it is even crazier!
Judging from their posture, it seems that they will not stop until they score ten goals in Naples.
If they continue to be muddled at half-time or try to equalize the score, they will lose more goals at half-time!
Once they are completely collapsed, it is not impossible to score thirteen goals …
The players in Naples broke out in a cold sweat at the thought of here.
So at half-time, they defended even harder.
In addition, they have a new understanding of the ruthless victory, and many people are quite vocal about it.
In fact, the players in Naples are wronged and always win.
This is really not a winning arrangement.
Or at least Chang Sheng didn’t directly tell him that the players had to do it at half-time.
He commented on half the game at halftime, but he didn’t say such things as "I’m happy" and "I’m satisfied"
So Lazio players saw a danger signal from his somewhat indifferent attitude-they didn’t know whether the boss was really satisfied with their performance.
Or does he think they can do better?
But if the boss doesn’t tell them, they can guess for themselves
Guess, guess, guess.
In that case, the safest thing to do is to continue to attack and score goals. When there are more goals, the boss should not find any reason to punish them, right?
They also thought of Barry.
So they took Barry’s game as a reference and launched a fierce attack on Naples goal.
However, the strength of Naples is still much stronger than that of Barry.
Moreover, Mazzari quickly made adjustments during the intermission to let Naples players know what they should do.
Another important reason is that Naples conceded two goals at half time.
This has not completely defeated the fighting spirit of Naples players.
Barry conceded five goals at half-time … completely knocked Barry out.
Losing two goals is acceptable for Naples, and the players’ mood is still stable.
Despite Lazio’s desperate attack, they didn’t really score more than a dozen goals in Naples in all half.
Of course, Lazio is not a win.
They still scored a goal at half time.
In addition, two shots hit the doorframe.
Another time I slipped out the door.
With any luck, Lazio can win the game by six goals.
Now it’s three …
It doesn’t seem satisfactory to see that Lazio won three goals and can be said to be "talented"
But in fact, this result has been very good for most teams.
Even if the giants such as Barcelona and Real Madrid can beat their opponents by 3, it is worth celebrating.
But look at the Lazio players. When the game is over, they look dull and depressed.
See a lot of people are more depressed than them-mom, you’ve all won your opponent’s three goals. Isn’t this a complete victory? What are you dissatisfied with?
Not satisfied with not scoring more goals.
They are afraid that their boss will not be satisfied.
Many people secretly glanced at the boss and saw him smiling at them.
That’s a huge stone in my heart … It just fell to the ground!
After the game, Chang Sheng talked about the team’s performance. "Although they haven’t played a formal game for a month, I’m glad their state has not been affected."
Mazzari’s team has become a foil for players who always win lessons, but Mazzari still can’t say it.
Who makes himself less skilled than others?
People are not the strongest team, and they have lost a 3. How can they say anything else?
He can say "We are unlucky …"
It’s bad luck to touch such a Lazio, just like Barry.
But compared with Barry, they are lucky enough …
Chapter three hundred and seventy-four No suspense

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