Researcher Joseph and God held a’ negotiation’.

They think there is no way to confront God, so they intend to negotiate with God to see what God will say.
Usually when Joseph asks God, he usually says that they must be punished because they didn’t obey the rules before.
But now for these researchers, God has put it another way.
"You need to choose to continue to do things or die." God’s answer to them is quite simple, and the researchers realized it at this moment.
This’ God’ really treats them as slaves. They have no other way to choose.
So they made up their minds …
The researchers decided to … flee the city because they couldn’t stand what God did to them and restricted their development.
After the negotiations failed, they quickly planned an escape plan, because they came and thought that the negotiations were unlikely to succeed, so they were prepared
They found that this’ god’ will enter a sleep-like state at some time. Originally, it will send a lot of messages intermittently, but after entering this state, these messages will stop sending for a long time, so the researchers in Serbia and China believe that this is the god’s sleep period.
During these sleeping periods, the researchers acted quickly. They contacted many residents and told them about God.
At present, there are still many people who believe in God extremely, so the researchers don’t look for those who believe deeply. They look for those who wander around the edge of faith. These people would not believe in this God if they were not afraid.
These priests soon believed what the researchers said and believed that this god was actually a … creature occupying their city.
But Joseph has no way to fight this creature, so they ask these residents who believe in them to prepare to escape with them.
The way to escape is very simple, that is, to take a high-speed mechanical structure and leave the city very quickly to live in another area.
At the same time, the researchers also decided to’ steal’ a statue in the city, and they had to take it with them to enter the dream, so as to see if God would follow.
After thinking about the plan, Arthur acted quickly.
A group of researchers took the lead in distributing a structure called’ Maofeng’ to everyone who was willing to escape with them.
This kind of structure is one of the few structures that make the’ wheel’ structure different. Most of them are mechanical arm wheels, which is a structure that is rarely used.
The original purpose of "Maofeng" is to hurry so that it can quickly go to other cities in a short time with the "flame device" behind it.
There are flying machines, but they haven’t been made yet, because almost all of them have been destroyed, so they choose to make land tools.
The researchers picked a god when he was asleep, and then let all the other gods wait for the signal in their houses, so that they could pretend to be no different when they were at peace.
However, when the signal is given, all the people will leave the house immediately and then take the’ gale’ to the nearest city road to rush out of the city.
A total of nearly 5% of them decided to follow the researchers. It seems that the number is very small, but these researchers are sure that they definitely don’t believe in God and go with them.
Don’t be too sure that they didn’t pay attention, because they were afraid that something would happen among them to tip off the traitor to God, so they would be finished.
But in fact, they are not sure whether God knows this plan or not, but they have made sure that everything is hidden and must reduce the risk as much as possible …
Compared with this waiting period, they all seem to be United, and there are no problems. A large number of them rushed out of the main road of the city and arrived outside the city at a very fast speed.
Those researchers are the first to lead the way, and the front car with a statue is also built.
This is the smallest statue in the city, and the researchers brought it out while God was sleeping.
At the same time, there is a monk who is responsible for entering the dream dream through this statue. He can see that God’s huge body still covers the city and there is no need to catch up …
With the speed of the gale, cities are getting farther and farther away from them …
The figure of god also slowly disappeared …
"It didn’t catch up!"
After observing in the dream, she immediately returned to reality and cheered in the announcement.
"Really?" "Great!"
All the singers in this team cheered, and they were at heart at the thought of being able to get rid of life without knowing when they were sacrificed.
However, the researchers have not been careless. They know that God is still in a deep sleep, so they have to keep observing.
Soon the team came to a nearby city, which was also destroyed by the creator, but there were a lot of wreckage and some complete houses for them to live in …
Next, the researchers planned to stay in the city and observe it for a period of time, but after several days and nights, they found that God did not follow them and there was no way to attack them.
They … succeeded.
These priests really cheered this time. They thought that they had completely got rid of God’s control. They decided to go further to the ruins of the city. One day, after they had a thorough understanding of dreams and had a way to fight against God, they would return to this place to see it.
Yu Shen …
There is no intention to chase them.
It’s still in its own city, watching those who are left behind and watching them continue to work here.
And here, Arthur has slowly become difficult to stay.
About 5% of them escaped before. Although it is not much, it is not small. Although the researchers worked hard in secret, their actions were still taken out. Many people in the city were’ moved’ when they heard the news.
Most of the monks were recognized by researchers as not completely divorced from their beliefs and did not connect with them, but these monks also wanted to get rid of this god
So they are ready to make all kinds of moves like researchers.
Soon after that, another group of monks formed an escape team, but these monks didn’t know that God was’ sleeping’ and they were more publicity when they tried to escape, so most of them … died.
It is quite simple to kill them in the dream of god. After this incident, the city stopped for a while, but after a while, they had the idea of running away again.
After all, they really can’t stand this god …
So that’s what happened next. Occasionally, they appeared and tried to escape from the city. Some of these teams succeeded and some were killed.
Those who returned to the city were very successful, and they also tried to escape.
This phenomenon continues, and the number of Mosaic continues to decrease. Many Mosaic have either escaped or been killed. The number of Mosaic has been increasing for a long time, and the remaining Mosaic can’t bear the pressure brought by sacrifice. And God asked them to build all kinds of buildings, and they also completed it …
Finally, these heathers also escaped.
The whole city finally recovered from the creator’s disaster and became a city.

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导语:在繁忙的都市生活中,人们常常感到身心俱疲。为了缓解压力,寻求一种健康的生活方式,越来越多的人开始关注养生。上海龙江桑拿会所,作为一家集桑拿、按摩、足浴、SPA于一体的综合性养生场所,成为都市人放松身心的首选之地。 一、会所简介 上海龙江桑拿会所成立于2003年,是一家从事足浴养生服务的大型健康保健按摩服务机构。会所曾荣获上海市多项殊荣,包括2006年底价格诚信建设单位称号,并在消费群体中建立了良好的口碑。以“龙江足浴养生”为口号,致力于为广大顾客提供健康、舒适、贴心的服务。 二、特色服务 1. 桑拿:龙江桑拿会所拥有多种风格的桑拿房,包括干蒸、湿蒸、石板浴等,满足不同顾客的需求。在这里,你可以享受到独特的桑拿体验,促进血液循环,缓解疲劳,提高免疫力。 2. 按摩:会所拥有一支经验丰富的按摩师团队,他们运用精湛的按摩技艺,为顾客提供全身按摩、足底按摩、头部按摩等多种服务。通过按摩,可以舒缓肌肉紧张,缓解压力,达到身心放松的效果。 3. 足浴:龙江桑拿会所的足浴服务独具特色,采用精选中草药熬制而成的足浴液,配合专业的足浴手法,为顾客提供全方位的足部护理。足浴不仅能缓解疲劳,还能改善睡眠,提高生活质量。 4. SPA:会所引进先进的SPA设备,结合中医养生理论,为顾客提供专业的SPA服务。通过香薰、按摩、水疗等多种方式,帮助顾客舒缓身心,达到养生保健的目的。 三、环境与氛围 龙江桑拿会所注重环境营造,努力为顾客打造一个舒适、宁静的养生空间。会所内部装修典雅,装饰风格独具匠心。一曲轻柔的音乐,一缕淡淡的檀香,让顾客在繁忙的都市生活中找到一片宁静的天地。 四、服务理念 龙江桑拿会所始终坚持“顾客至上”的服务理念,以真诚、敬业的态度对待每一位顾客。会所员工经过严格培训,具备良好的服务意识,为顾客提供细致、周到的服务。 五、结语 上海龙江桑拿会所,作为都市繁华中的一片绿洲,为人们提供了一个放松身心、养生保健的绝佳场所。在这里,你可以享受到专业、舒适的服务,感受到家的温馨。如果你在都市生活中感到压力重重,不妨来龙江桑拿会所,让身心得到彻底的放松与滋养。


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