上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿会所 On the first day of the official start on December 12th, the seating rate was as high as 10%.

On the first day of the official start on December 12th, the seating rate was as high as 10%.

Especially after the top four, the seating rate of the strongest team in the country is as high as 100%
The front row tickets have also been fired from the original 100 yuan to more than 1000 yuan, but even though the ticket price has reached such an expensive price, it still presents a hard-to-find one ticket.
At this time of the semi-finals and finals, the official side has not yet issued the tickets to the outside world, because the former hot officials also need to change their views on the previous game.
And this time, the biggest dark horse in the 3s Championship wants to wait for people, and everyone has received five VIP tickets. However, for these VIP tickets, I don’t want to give them to wangyi and others. Because wangyi and others can directly go to the preparation seat of the strongest team in the country to watch the game, the position is much closer than what is in the front row.
Fang Xiang gave five tickets to Jia Ling by him. Although Jia Ling is already a popular anchor, she is still not qualified to get these tickets. She herself can be a special correspondent to go to the scene. Fang Xiang wanted to give these five tickets to her dream friends in the live broadcast by lottery.
It will be fine on December 12th.
Because the party thinks that the strongest team in their country is directly relegated to the top four, there will be a team round in every game and then directly promoted.
And the first game on December 12, China is also lucky.
Liuhuahu Coke team directly advanced to the top 16.
Although every team that comes to participate in the 3s competition has certain strength, who doesn’t want to win without fighting? Who doesn’t want the goddess of luck to fall on her? Most people’s faces showed a trace of envy when they saw the Coke team win the battle and get the promotion ticket directly.
When the first game officially started, the preparation seat of the strongest team in China was that the party wanted to wait for people not to come to the scene, but to watch the game by watching the live broadcast in Jia Ling.
The first game of the 3s championship
All the teams collided with each other and the sparks were already fierce.
This is more wonderful and amazing than the national martial arts altar war.
And it is also through this game that everyone has a refresh on the strength of foreign devices.
The dream friends of the original country all think that although the foreign countries need to pay less than the Chinese ones, after all, they will definitely not be better than the Chinese ones less than a year later, but they didn’t expect that they would find out in this first game.
Those foreign devices
Whether it is hardware, summoning beast bb or all aspects, it has not lost to China.
In particular, teams such as Han Piao Ni Ma team and Ou Mike team and Japanese Bushido team have already had people to support Prajnaparamita bb.
That is to say, although they opened late, they didn’t fall. On the contrary, the place where China is most promising to open some distance is equally divided with them.
"Everyone is very hard."
Looking at the live broadcast in Jia Ling and handing it back, the information party wanted to squint and said
"But although Korea, Japan and Europe have shrunk their distance, after all, we need to play in the semi-finals, which means we need to play two games, which should be a rare good thing for the strongest team in our country."
The ending words want to ring in the ear.
Party want to gently nodded his head.
"That’s true, but I can feel that everyone still has reservations this time. After all, they don’t know who will meet us in the semi-final, but the team that has the strength to enter the semi-final will definitely have a successor to watch first. Anyway, it will take about a week to get to the semi-final at this rate."
It is also the time when Fang wants to wait for people to say so here.
3s hegemony scene
In addition to Liuhua Lake Coke team promotion, the first promotion team has also been produced.
第五百三十九章 想动手?

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