上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 Pei Wende is staring at his eyes with a sad face for a long time.

Pei Wende is staring at his eyes with a sad face for a long time.

"You can eat too much, right?"
It’s not that Pei Wende is stingy, but that the little green snake can eat too much.
I don’t know whether it was too much consumption last night or simply giving up on myself because the prototype was exposed …
Little green snake hasn’t stopped eating since she came out of Lufu.
At first, I ate breakfast snacks at roadside stalls, and then I ate in restaurants …
In the end, Pei Wende really couldn’t stand those people next to him looking like freaks, and went directly to the inn wing to send something to eat.
Because the little green snake never showed up, others saw Pei Wende sweeping goods and eating all the way from east to west without stopping.
That kind of line of sight is oppressive. It’s a thick face and a dark heart, such as Pei Wende. I can’t bear it. I can choose this compromise to avoid other people’s strange eyes
"Hey, how long are you going to eat?"
Once again to the little green snake ordered a pig leg PeiWenDe unbearable said
"The old monk didn’t give me much money this time. This pig leg is my last money."
"If you really think it’s delicious, let’s buy some condiments and go back. I’ll make you a roast pig and make sure it’s definitely better than here."
Smell speech little green snake finally not busy destroying the food on the table and looked up at Pei Wende next to it.
Since the structure and opening of the root chakra, the physical fitness and ability of the little green snake have been greatly strengthened.
This includes its digestive ability. After eating so many things, its body shape has not changed at all, and it looks no different from peacetime.
However, this amazing physical quality corresponds to the fact that the little green snake needs to eat a lot to supplement its own consumption every time it starts.
In fact, this is also the reason why the little green snake has never stopped eating since she came out of Lufu.
If it is a small green snake in Shan Ye, it can satisfy its own consumption by hunting other animals-this is the dominant energy of mountain forests
Nai, a small green snake that belongs to human county and doesn’t want to make too much noise, can choose this way to fill its own consumption.
After all, the good little green snake is not a real beast. After initially filling up the hunger in his belly, he stopped and then looked at Pei Wende for a long time.
"Er … I really mean, are you still hungry?"
So in the face of the little green snake, he stared at Pei Wende as if he were dead. He decisively chose to recognize the cowardice and didn’t even consciously pay his respects.
"If you are not full, we can eat slowly when we go back."
There was a flash of humanity disdain in her eyes. Little Green Snake stopped staring at the terror and deterred Pei Wende to show a curious look.
Hear the little green snake scream PeiWenDe first one leng and then like to understand the wry smile.
"Do you want to ask me why I didn’t destroy the’ coffin’ like the beauty head?"
After last night’s scourge, Pei Wende naturally could not ignore the key figure who caused the scourge-the coffin.
But the difference between Pei Wende’s biting before is that
When facing the coffin that curled up in Lu Jun’s arms, he didn’t hurt the killer as much as he did when dealing with the spectre in red and the beauty song.
This little green snake looks like an incredible thing.
You know, the coffin with the natural appearance of ghosts and gods is much higher than ordinary ghosts only in terms of danger
Pei Wende can hurt a "beauty" like a spectre in red and a beauty head. No matter how the killer thinks, he can’t spare a more dangerous coffin.
"If you really want to ask questions, the reason is simple: the coffin hasn’t killed anyone yet."
This reason sounds a bit outrageous, but it is the truest idea in Pei Wende’s heart.
On the spectre in red and the beauty, from the perspective of sadness and pity, Pei Wende, they are both guilty of murder and stubborn evil spirits
On the other hand, although the coffin is far more dangerous than ordinary ghosts, it is always a "victim" in this matter.
"I never recognize myself as a judge. I try to save as many people as possible."
Sighed a little Pei Wende also don’t know if your choice is correct.
But he was educated and told him that killing someone just because they might "commit a crime" is a kind of violence above the law.
Even the saints once said that "regardless of the heart" is even worse than their own saints.
It seems to be ridicule, and it seems to be a simple question …
The little green snake neighing is like asking if you will regret killing someone out of control after the coffin?
After all, once a natural ghost like a coffin gets out of control, it can’t be compared with ordinary ghosts.
"Why do you want to think about such a long-term thing?"
"What do you think of yourself as? God? "
Pei Wende, who is very single, knows that this is a problem-solving problem, just like those in previous lives.
"What if the coffin is influenced by lujun’s father?"
"You have denied it just because of a bad possibility, and your thinking body has deviated from the right path."
Actually, Pei Wende despises the so-called "good and evil" theory, because he doesn’t recognize himself as a decent person, and he also despises those pedantic "protagonists"
I will be afraid, afraid, and selfish …
Pei Wende’s heart is just an accidental step on the practice path, and ordinary people are not qualified to judge what others do.
However, when teaching the little green snake, he always unconsciously instills in the other side the idea that he thinks he is "right" to prevent it from becoming a real evil monster.
On the other hand, after listening to Pei Wende’s story, Little Green Snake couldn’t help but fall into a long meditation.
At the same time, the little green snake feels that she has a deeper understanding of "Pei Wende"-this wonderful human seems to always strike a delicate balance between "King Kong glaring" and "My Buddha compassion"
-Tathagata treasure fights against demons, compassion, anger and shock ten parties
-the dragon sticks to the ear, and the thunder is like a dog.
-I have never angered all living beings, and I don’t make the poison horrible.
-but come to grief and love.
The fourth volume It is difficult to destroy Buddhism
Chapter I Qin Tianjian
"Good morning! Big brother! "
When the first ray of sunshine shone on Tongqing Temple in the morning, Pei Wende had already got up. He first had a long stretch and then said hello to the still-collected Buddhist Scripture Pavilion.
"If you don’t get up early, you will get up at the latest in the whole temple."

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