上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 品茶论坛 The Hunger is my master. If you kill me, he will not let you go.

The Hunger is my master. If you kill me, he will not let you go.

You are just a dog in The Hunger, and he will care about your dog’s life. However, it is only a matter of time before The Hunger War without you and me, and what I hate most is people who threaten me.
Listen to Situhao’s statement that Ye Tian’s face is dying and his body can’t help shivering. He’s such an old fox. Situhao’s statement is true. At this moment, he has no chance of survival in Situhao’s hands. In this case, you can kill me.
It would be too cheap to kill you directly, said Situhao coldly.
There are more than ten words in a short sentence, but every time Situ Hao spits a word, the same sword is scratching Ye Tianxin. His face changed greatly and he asked you in a trembling voice. What do you want?
Quack quack SiTuHao gave a long, gloomy laugh, and then he said, "Didn’t you dig up the body of the moon and the stars and bring her down to dust?" Today, I want him to take revenge and slowly crush your body, so that you can experience the taste of being shattered alive. You are miserable, and your blood comes to the moon and the stars for revenge.
In the cold words, Situhao has sealed Ye Tian acupuncture points with his hands.
You devil, I’ll never let you go if I’m a ghost.
Hum is a ghost, and I can pick it up. I am always waiting for your arrival. In the speech, Situhao directly reached out his left hand and grabbed Ye Tian’s right hand. When he squeezed a piece of blood, Ye Tian’s right hand was directly crushed by Situhao.
Ah, Ye Tian screamed with pain.
Listening to Ye Tian’s screams, Situhao’s hatred in his heart has been vented, and his left hand will be crushed if he keeps moving to Ye Tian’s right hand.
Ah, you just kill me. Ye Tian couldn’t stand the pain of broken bones and sent a plea for mercy to Situhao.
Situ Haogen wouldn’t have crushed his body with Ye Tian begging for mercy. If his eyes were red, he would have been sprayed with blood by Ye Tianshen, which made him more and more excited. Chapter 1 rushed to Xianmen.
After killing the Ghost Cave Master, Situ Hao returned to the former site of Fengyun Jianzong and arrested the Ghost Cave Master to serve them. The People’s Department let everyone go and gave some compensation to transfer the Ghost Cave.
In the fairy and magic mainland, all martial arts clans have a certain sphere of influence, and people can be searched at will, even small martial arts clans can get a good source.
The elimination of the ghost cave, Situ Hao, has brought economic benefits, but also a lot of wealth, which has accumulated to 100 million taels of silver.
Situhao’s goal this time is not to come to the former site of Fengyun Jianzong in the ghost cave, but to return Shu Xingyue’s bones to burn immortals in the future. He never dreamed that Shu Xingyue’s bones would be smashed by Ye Tian and thrown into the cesspit.
Actually, SiTuHao Bai Shu Xingyue has already been beaten to death. Ye Tian, it is meaningless for Shu Xingyue to do so. Although he is very angry, he can’t help it.
After the destruction of the ghost cave, one of Stuart’s goals is to be the first door of Xiandao.
The immortal gate has caused disasters to the people one after another. He hates this ancestral gate to the point where he hates it. Coupled with the old saying of the three immortals that day, Situ Hao felt a conspiracy in a faint way. When he went to the immortal gate this time, he wanted to see what was behind the massive accumulation of wealth in the immortal gate and put it out by the way.
Tens of thousands of people of Xianmendi will kill Xianmendi if they can’t kill him.
Heaven guild is the head of the people, but this is an influence team. Due to many restrictions, Situ Hao can spread his influence everywhere now, but he can also do his own thing to deal with the local influence of Heaven guild. In the future, the influence of Heaven guild will spread and lay a solid foundation. By the way, it will also give some warnings to those who harm the people to make them hurt the people.
Situhao had thought of the following action steps before burning immortals.
Xianmen is the first step of his action. After Xianmen is finished, he will go to Xuanmo Island.
If you think about it carefully, Zhuge Qinglan has been saying goodbye for years. Over the years, he has been thinking about this Xiao Ni all the time, but he is also full of curiosity about her hidden secrets. He can’t imagine how Zhuge Qinglan will die in the mysterious magic island. What kind of secrets are hidden behind this seemingly absurd thing?
Because of the limited strength, Xuan Magic Island used to be a place where other methods set foot. Now he has the strength comparable to fairy magic, and he will never taboo these things. He must take Zhuge Qinglan away by force.
It’s hard to say whether ZhuGeQingLan can’t hear from her for such a long time when Situhao is here.
Zhuge Qinglan has been married, which will definitely become a regret for his life.
SiTuHao those wife ZhuGeQingLan doubt is his most concerned about.
Gong Sunruolin is very sure about his feelings. Situ Hao is not worried that she will marry someone else. Besides, his father Nalanxuan has already agreed that Situ Hao’s prospective son-in-law can marry her if he wants his way to soar, while Ouyang Tianqin’s demon Nalanyin wants him to soar and marry them. She is not much worried about both of them. Only Zhuge Qinglan, a half-armed and half-demon, is that Situ Hao is not sure that she has lost her virginity and once killed him, which makes him even more.
It is true that there are many women in Situhao, but he is deep in his heart for them, and he never wants them to be other people’s women.
This is the end of SiTuHao going to XianMen things XuanMo island is his first world war.
Situhao traveled to Xianmen as quickly as possible. When eating at the meal, he found an inn to rest when he was resting. He never deliberately avoided some things. On the way, he met some people who bullied the people, but he didn’t show them mercy and killed them directly.
Situhao went to Wan Li today, and after three days, he went directly to Xianmen.
Situhao also wants to check Xianmen to collect money, because when he was more than a thousand miles away from Xianmen, he had already turned into a magical bird. After flying rapidly to Xianmen, he directly turned into a flying insect. When he was caught in Xianmen, his memory came to the hall where he first saw Linghu Peak, the owner of Xianmen.
Ling Hufeng sat in the hall with a sullen face, and more than ten people were trembling. The scene looked like a heavy breath.
Situhao, this little beast, has thrived. Our enemies, the four elders and the two guardians, managed to get a lot of wealth, but they were looted by this little bastard. He also killed hundreds of my immortal brothers. He really hated Linghu Fengqi and said extremely corruptly.
The door master Situhao, this little beast, is looking down on our immortal door. Why don’t we attack him by setting up a Heaven guild? An old man said in surprise

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